So for those that dont know we put our house on sale last month, iit sold in 2 days. As part of the deal the buyers cannot buy our house untill we buy a house. Well, after ours sold we found a house, put a bid in and it was accepted. While doing a title sweep, a lien on the land was found. Our mortgage company(nor any other) will give us a loan till its cleared up. Its been almost 6 weeks now since this was found, we have been in contact with the sellers to try to fix this as they cannot sell the house with this lien to ANYONE, so we asked them if they would rent to us while they fix this. We thought they agreed, as of lastnight they are know acknowledging us and are not trying to fix the lein. So come Monday we may not have a place for Myself, my wife our 2 daughter, 2 dogs, the cat and my reef tank. Yaye. On top of it, my allergies are threw the roof, my asthma is crazy and I have not been able to smoke much. Sorry for the long post, but im pissed.