you sure? I asked another guy picking up Tats and he said it was as well....
Yup, plume does not appear fuzzy at all. It is crystalline and will be reflective under will not have a fuzzy appearance. Vitolas had a great post regarding this but sadly it is no longer available....
Also, those cigars are not nearly old enough to have developed plume. If they were stored out of the tube in a shop it could also be residue from the humidifier, but I am 99% sure it is mold....
With that said, if we can get a FOG to confirm that would be great. I would never rely on someone in a shop (customer or employee) to tell the difference as most are told by shop owners it is plume and they continue to believe and perpetuate this....
Also, pictures also make it hard to tell sometimes so a close up would be great. But, based on the age of those sticks alone, it is mold....