SHUCKINS - 1Z31F2V00340011286 - DONE!
XDCCO - 1Z31F2V00340014023 - DONE!
JFSJAZZ - 1Z31F2V00373350090 - DONE!
GIANTSTOGIE 1Z31F2V00340088007 - DONE!
SMOKINGHOLE 1Z31F2V00373424073 - DONE!
BENDAY 1Z31F2V00340096221 - Delivered 09/07/10
JP8 1Z31F2V00340200349 - DONE!
HDROADGLIDE 1Z31F2V00340203088 - DONE!
TWENTY5 1Z31F2V00373539155 - DONE!
I've got confirmation from all but one person that they received their rum, I haven't heard otherwise and UPS said it was delivered so I'm go to assume this one is DONE.
Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy the XO!