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Remember 9/11...

Psojka RP,601

This place IS my vacation
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Feb 11, 2010
Plainfield, IN
I'll never forget...I was in fourth grade, getting ready to leave for school and my mom's friend called her and told her what was going on...I was too young to really realize it but nonetheless my good brothers...

Today as we spend time with our friends, families, and loved ones...let us not forget that day when our freedom we so enjoy was put in jeopardy. My sincere thoughts, prayers, and respect go out to anyone who was involved in the events that day, week, and even month.

And thanks to E for the badass BOTL logo :stretchgr
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
I remember just had gotten off from work, just about to go to sleep and my roomate knocks on the door and says turn on the tv. couldn't believe what i was seeing. I remember staying up just watching the news, thinking had to be an accident but when the second plane hit, the gravity of the situation hit me. Let us not forget the hero's who left us and those still among us.


Not the mad fladder!
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Sep 1, 2009
Marana Az
Got my flag flying outside the house and puffing on a DES right now to remember.

I was stationed in korea when it happened and had just got back to post after a 30 day field problem. The whole unit was in the post bar to celebrate the end of the long training but the festivities were cut short by the news. :usaflag:


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Thank you to all our heroes for their service and sacrifice to keep the rest of us free. God bless America and may we never forget!


Anything worth doing is worth overdoing
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Jul 8, 2010
Langhorne, PA
I too was stationed in Korea when it happened...I was attending leadership school in Osan and I was sitting on my bed doing my homework for the next day...I had the TV on for some background noise and all of a sudden I noticed that the sound stopped and the light from the TV shifted as if someone had changed the channel suddenly. I looked up to see a picture of the north tower smoking with the headline, "Plane Strikes World Trade Center"...I remember looking at the screen in wonder, noting the crystal clear skies and thinking to myself, "How the hell could a plane crash into one of the biggest buildings in the world when there is not a cloud in the sky...had to be a mechanical problem..."
Just then I saw the second plane enter the screen...

I remember hating the fact that I couldn't be with my family during this whole thing...kind of a helpless feeling...My country was under attack and I'm stuck thousands of miles away...Horrible...horrible...

A horrible day that I will never forget. It's amazing that even 9 years later, I still remember in vivid detail what I was doing/feeling at the exact moment...

God Bless the USA!!! May we never have to endure something so tragic again.


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
I love this country, and 9/11 still sickens me.

May we never forget, and may we always keep our guard up.

God Bless those who fight and sacrifice for our freedom


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
There has been no greater sadness in our time living then the cowardless act of 9/11. For thoes of you who find no issue with Islam I say read your history on a fundamental religious belief that has created war since time itself. I am sorry but must be honest when I say I have no time for Islam or the Muslim communities. I truely believe they are and always will be a threat to peace and mankind. On a side note...If this where America of Old there wouldn't be any of this pussy footen government chit and the Middle East would be a Stain Glass Crater!!
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BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
I love this country, and 9/11 still sickens me.

May we never forget, and may we always keep our guard up.

God Bless those who fight and sacrifice for our freedom
Your northern neighbours also echo this sentiment. It was not only the USA that was attacked on that day, but every nation that cherishes freedom. Let us never forget.

Here's a cool site I found if anyone wants to relive that day - it's a flash archive of the actual news broadcasts from CNN/FOX/ABC/NBC/CBS/BBC for the days of Sept 11/12/13th, 2001.


May those who perished rest in peace.
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Oct 5, 2009
An awful day for America but also for those people all around the world who lost family and friends who were just doing their job.


Cigars, hockey, and beer.
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Aug 18, 2010
I was in English class in 10th grade.. My parents pulled me out of school. They were concerned that Boston or surrounding area could be a target and we were abotu 30 min from Boston.

We ended up at my priest's house sitting with him watching TV watching the second plane hit. One of the planes had people we knew from church on them.

What a sad day it was. I'll always remember it; just as we all should.


BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
was at work and we had a tv on. took a while before it was understandable what had happened. kind of like the world stopped...
several specials on toinight on the history channel. gonna record them to keep for a while.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
I was in class and had my phone on vibrate, it buzzed several times and I also got a text message that said "we are going to war". about 9:20 I returned the phone call and was told about the WTC situation. I was in the courtyard of the school and told my classmates about it and another person came over a few minutes later and told us about The Pentagon. I got to work just as the first tower fell and was the first thing I saw, this was completely surreal to me, "What the fuck am I seeing?". Next time I saw a TV the second building fell.

It wasn't until I got home that evening that I got to watch coverage and really see the enormity of it all. This was a very sad day and I shed many tears for a lot of people. This is a day I will never forget, and a huge thank you to all that serve this wonderful country.
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Feb 22, 2009
It's still chilling to watch those tapes of the planes hitting the towers. After 9 years I am still moved by the images.


Cigars, hockey, and beer.
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Aug 18, 2010
Your northern neighbours also echo this sentiment. It was not only the USA that was attacked on that day, but every nation that cherishes freedom. Let us never forget.

Here's a cool site I found if anyone wants to relive that day - it's a flash archive of the actual news broadcasts from CNN/FOX/ABC/NBC/CBS/BBC for the days of Sept 11/12/13th, 2001.


May those who perished rest in peace.
There's a lot of that day I don't want to relive, but I just watched some of the footage again.. thanks for sharing. Even now it can make ya tear up a bit.
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Feb 23, 2009
psolka said:
let us not forget that day when our freedom we so enjoy was put in jeopardy.
The only times I ever felt the 9/11 Attacks put American freedom and values in jeopardy are when people use them to justify statements like this:

For thoes of you who find no issue with Islam I say read your history on a fundamental religious belief that has created war since time itself. I am sorry but must be honest when I say I have no time for Islam or the Muslim communities. I truely believe they are and always will be a threat to peace and mankind!
RIP to those who were murdered on 9/11. Let the memory be an opportunity to unite America and express our values of religious freedom, tolerance, and respect and not promote division and hatred.