I honestly didn't read past page 1 because a lot of people's opinion on this matter sicken me to tell the truth. The man did something wrong and went to jail for it, yet people still want him to suffer. Prison is supposed to be a rehabilitation tool right??? If we can't forgive the man after he has served his time, then why sentance him to only 2 years...send him away for life...seems like that would make a lot of people happy. " He shouldn't be able to have a dog". "He shouldn't be able to play football ever again". "He shouldn't be able to have any job." "He should be under house arrest". "He should still be in jail". These are all things I've heard people say. What should he do then...live on welfare so we can complain about him wasting our tax dollars...why don't we just execute him??? Where does it end?
The only reason people care about this is because it involves dogs (which to most people are a cherished family pet)...if Mike Vick was fighting crocodiles, or snakes, or anything else that isn't cute and cuddly, NO ONE WOULD CARE!!!
Donte Stallworth drove drunk and killed a HUMAN BEING and only spent 24 DAYS in jail...where exactly are our priorities in this country???
Just throwing this out there because I want to know where the line is for the "he served his time!" thing ends. We don't let people get everything back after they get out of jail if they've committed some crimes. Only after a long time are they allowed to get some of those crimes expunged and some felonies don't get expunged
period. (You need a pardon.)
They're the terms of the punishment - your criminal past will follow you for a long time and you lose certain privileges.
Edit: If the condition of your release for a hit and run DUI is that you can't drink for x amount of years then I'd expect that person to not be able to drink for x amount of years. It's not "continuing to punish" them because it's still the same punishment for the same crime - they aren't being punished twice.
I mean at the end of the day if not wanting a dude who made money and got pleasure from torturing dogs to not have another dog makes me a liberal commie bleeding heart fascist Vick-o-phobe then I can deal with that. It just seems like it's taking forgiveness over commonsense much in the same way that allowing a convicted child rapist to adopt children because they're reformed.
You molest children, you don't get to adopt them.
You organize, fund, or have a role in the torturing of dogs then you shouldn't be able to have a dog.
If Vick or his kids want dogs in their life then they can go volunteer at a shelter.