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Waking up confused?

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Mar 23, 2011
Williamsport, Pa
So over the past few weeks school has been getting more intense, I have been pulling more hours at my job, and getting to bed a little later. Well all that work and missed sleep adds up.

However most mornings I find when I wake up I am confused. I look at the clock and have no idea what the time means or when I am suppose to be getting to school, I hear the alarm and can't figure out how to turn it off or understand what it is / where it is coming from.

For the record I am a very heavy sleeper, I have my one alarm clock that rings at 112 db and my phone has 3 alarms set on it. Sometimes I even set a lamp facing at my bed on a timer to wake me up.

Does anyone else ever wake up genuinely confused?

**I am not looking for medical advice or anything above if anyone else has this, I do realize I am on a cigar forum, haha**
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Jul 5, 2011
Only after a great night of boozing! I am no help! LOL

I wake up when the A/C turns off, I sleep really lite, I hear everything...Sorry bro
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Oct 15, 2009
This has happened occassionally, but usually when I am sick and I go to sleep at an odd time. When I wake up I am not even sure if it is the next day or simply later in the same day.

If this is happening regularly, it may be that you are being awakened while in a deep sleep, which means that you need MORE sleep. If this persists, I would see a doctor, just to play it safe.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I wake up fairly confused on a regular basis. I have very lucid dreams and when I wake up from them my reality scares the shit out of me. Sometimes its because of boozing but usually it just happens. In fact more often than not being a little sedated by alcohol prevents it more often than being the cause. It also happens more often when I stay in a place that's not my house. When I visit my parents or my in-laws there's a good chance of it happening there.

I don't sleep real light nor heavy and I wake up to a tiny timex alarm clock when I have to set an alarm.
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Jan 11, 2005
If my life is crazy busy with lots of details going on, yeah I can jump up wondering where am I supposed to be, what am I supposed to be doing, who am I supposed to be meeting with.
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Sep 20, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
I have woken up in my hotel room and had no idea where I was. Completely terrified and confused.

I have also woke up in bed at home and had no idea how or when I got there. I work crazy hours and I just don't even remember driving home.

No, I do not drink!I want to start drinking though.


Watcher of the Sky
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Mar 12, 2009
Every morning. I wake up look to my left, see my wife and wonder how I got into this mess. Not my wife mind you, she's a good woman, the whole marriage trap.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
My first guess would be that this has something to do with your sleep cycles. If you wake up from a deep sleep, then parts of your brain may actually still be asleep even though you are now conscious. This is very disorienting. It's the same phenomenon as when you "space out," or "daydream," though then it's called micro-sleep I think.

If things have been really busy, my guess is you're either not getting enough sleep, or your not sleeping well due to stress. Here's a no-doctor-needed experiment: start taking Tylonol PM right before you go to sleep. Read all the instructions to make sure you can take it, of course. It helps you to hit the deep sleep cycles more quickly.
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Oct 31, 2009
Somehow all this, reminds me of this........

Dazed and Confused [youtube]b5Xf0N9Juko[/youtube]
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Mar 23, 2011
Williamsport, Pa
My first guess would be that this has something to do with your sleep cycles. If you wake up from a deep sleep, then parts of your brain may actually still be asleep even though you are now conscious. This is very disorienting. It's the same phenomenon as when you "space out," or "daydream," though then it's called micro-sleep I think.

If things have been really busy, my guess is you're either not getting enough sleep, or your not sleeping well due to stress. Here's a no-doctor-needed experiment: start taking Tylonol PM right before you go to sleep. Read all the instructions to make sure you can take it, of course. It helps you to hit the deep sleep cycles more quickly.
Not a bad idea.

My dad does have sleep apnea and I have woken up a few times from a dream where I am scuba diving (I am a licenses scuba diver) and find I cant breath. I wake up literally not breathing till I sit up and gasp for a breath. Chances are between a busy schedule and sleep apnea I might not be fully rested or going in and out of rem all night.


King Dude
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Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
Not a bad idea.

My dad does have sleep apnea and I have woken up a few times from a dream where I am scuba diving (I am a licenses scuba diver) and find I cant breath. I wake up literally not breathing till I sit up and gasp for a breath. Chances are between a busy schedule and sleep apnea I might not be fully rested or going in and out of rem all night.
If you are waking up not being able to breathe please go see a doctor. I have sleep apnea myself and am on a C-PAP machine. The machine can make a whole world of difference for ou, it can be life changing. Sleep apnea can affect you more then you would think.