Young & Eager
This will depend on the laws of PA. Some states, like Texas, have a rule that a No Firearms sign must meet certain requirements (known as the .30-06 rule) otherwise the sign carries no merit. Some states say any sign that's visible is valid, but it's "at most" a penalty of trespassing so as long as you left the premise you are in the clear. Then there's laws like we have in NC where any sign that's posted is valid. If you violate this you are carrying illegally and can lose your permit. :eyequiverLawyers/Cops since you know the laws better than I please help me out here.
Even if Starbucks were to be not friendly toward carrying concealed weapons what does it matter? Unless they have installed metal detectors and other security features (highly unlikely), they would never know I walked in with my Glock using a IWB holster. Hell my gun sticks out less than someone with a smart phone in a otter box case on their hip. So with that said if they had a "no guns allowed" sign and I chose to ignore it, then they found out I was in fact lawfully armed, what could they do besides ask me to leave? Sure they could call the cops, but if you broke no laws and voluntarily left there's nothing Starbucks or the responding officers could do (at least the first time). Am I correct in this instance?
That's crazy! I've never heard of such a thing but it wouldn't surprise me. My fiancée works at a bank and I've carried in there a few times. So far no issues. :assaultriWhich leads me to a very strange story told to me by a close friend. He carries a lot just like me. In PA there are no laws against carrying in a bank by the way. He was walking into a bank and all of a sudden the entrance doors locked him in and he couldn't get out. Apparently the bank had some sort of security door that ran off a magnetometer. Due to the mass of his concealed gun he set off the security feature and had to be released. He was later informed that it was a feature to protect the bank from guns or something. However they had no signs posted anywhere about "no guns allowed". I cannot confirm this but I believe him that it happened. Anyone ever hear of a security feature like that?
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