BoM July '10
Chicory Stout...thanks Mikey!
If they ripped hop yards out for this stuff I'm sort of torn. This is some good vino but I fucking love hops!Those grapes were apparently grown 33 miles from my house, in what has become recently a very annoying part of my state. Its even worse closer to home. I can think of at least 5 hopyards that were torn out to make way for grapes, all within 15 miles of the ancestral homestead.
I'm particularly bitter about this.
( Finished my Oakshire, onto a Ninkasi Imperiale stout)
NICE PIC!! I see they didn't reprint the cases, just the holders. Do people at the shops look at you funny when taking pics of the stacked beer? I got a weird look from a few people at the whole foods last time lol. G1My local Bottle Shop got a delivery today!
well that didn't take long for these to hit the shelves! Not sure why I expected it to...My local Bottle Shop got a delivery today!
Those $3.99 sixers won't last forever ya know! :grinFU:Hmm but is it $3.99 a sixer? :grin:
Yeah, I haven't been down there since I was there on Friday so we'll see whats left. I don't have to be in tomorrow till 3 so I"m gonna run out there to see. My real search was going to be for Hopslam but it looks like its not going to hit this are till early next week at the earliest (according to the whole foods guy, I won't be happy if it shows up like Friday!) G1Those $3.99 sixers won't last forever ya know! :grinFU:
pissed my stores only discounted to $7.99, but still better than 9.99.
Yup...I'm looking. Hope to score some this weekend.O. M. G.!!! This is seriously good! Buy all you can & then send me your leftovers :yes: Thanks so much Marty! I'm loving this beer!
Thought the same thing, I figured it was since I had a slight cold but you confirmed it.Fort Collins Brewery Chocolate Stout... An okay session (low abv) chocolate stout. Probably won't pick it up again unless it's free :rofl:
Sam Adams Holiday Porter tonight...went to order some stuff for a buddy today at the shop I frequent and he has 120 sitting on counter...he asked " you have any of this?" With a big ass smile on his face...responded "I do now"