BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
Im gonna show her my 'o' face.

Im gonna show her my 'o' face.
Now I can give you my 'O' face :inlove:Guess what my local store got today?
The best IPA I've had to date that wasn't brewed on the West Coast. A damn fine brew indeed!Guess what my local store got today?
Which Pinot? I'm not a wine guy, but I do live smack dab in the middle of the Willamette Valley.I'm drinking a Pinot Noir right now from the Willamette Valley but I drank a homebrewed mocha stout a few min ago.
NICE!! Love me some Smuttynose.I'm drinking a Smuttynose Robust Porter ... Wow! What a fantastic brew!
Those grapes were apparently grown 33 miles from my house, in what has become recently a very annoying part of my state. Its even worse closer to home. I can think of at least 5 hopyards that were torn out to make way for grapes, all within 15 miles of the ancestral homestead.Duck Pond 2008. I like it! I'm not a wine guy either but we always have some in the house. I enjoy wine but I don't obsess about it like I do other things. I love me some Amarone wine though but that stuff is too $$$ for my pocket!
Once of my favorite seasonal chocolate stouts, what do you think?mmmm... 2011 Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout
You just can't go wrong with this Russian Imperial Stout if you're in the mood for one. It is a little "hot" from the alcohol and age should calm that down. I think I might let a 4 pack age for a year and see what that does to it. I'm sure it has legs and can easily go 3-5yrs.Once of my favorite seasonal chocolate stouts, what do you think?
I've heard they age well and plan on holding a 4 pack till next year.