I think too many people have become fixated on penetration. I agree with #M080 's sentiments; they're going to leave. Very rarely with the person not go running, and while it's true that would leave you more vulnerable, for some people, that's okay.
you agree based on what evidence? what study supports this belief? how much personal experience do you have in this arena?
I spent the better part of 20 years teaching firearms to law enforcement, security, and military units all over the globe.. as well as a pretty significant number of private groups and individuals.. have better than 2,000 hours of firearms specific training, have attended close to a dozen firearms instructor programs, etc..etc... and have never once seen a viable study (police or otherwise) that would validate this argument..if youve got one.. Im being serious.. I would love to see it.. (I take specific interest in these types of subjects, obviously)..
Many people only want to scare away an attacker or invader. These many people realize what most don't, they don't want to be responsible for killing anybody, regardless of the circumstances.
Many people would be wrong then. Guns are not toys. They are not to be used to scare people. There is both criminal and civil liability involved if/when someone does something like that.
Would suck to go to jail.. and or loose your house.. because you chose to use a firearm to scare someone.. (whether they are a criminal or not)..
I did a lot of personal and private security for clubs, their owners and VIP's in DC during the early 2000's. I was attacked and shot at more during this tenure than my entire time spent in the Marine Corps. In my experience, the majority of these thugs are easily dissuaded by just the threat of force.
I owned a company that specialized in protective services, ran the protective services unit at the World Bank in DC, managed security contracts for nightclubs and bars for more than a decade in the 90's, and have deployed to hostile, semi permissive and non permissive locations regularly since the late 90's....
None of that has anything to do with any of the above, and whether or not the weapons choices are correct, or the strategy or tactics being encouraged are correct (tactically or legally (criminal or civil))
All those numbers and statistics are fine. In my opinion they're best used for engineers to design better guns and ammo, but it seems to me that they're most used to better market their product.
So, they wouldnt be best used by to ummmm I dont know.. people attending personal protection courses taught by the NRA? or Tactical Firearms Training as taught by the FBI? or to municipal law enforcement training taught by POST firearms instructors? or by the USMC when teaching recruits how to engage targets that are behind limited cover (you were a Marine.. I would think you could relate to this)?
and those firearms instructors arent interested when they teach their students in the actual capabilities and limitations of the weapons systems that they are instructing/utilizing? (as an FBI certified, NRA certified, and POST certified firearms instructor.. Im a bit curious about how you have come to believe this)..
When it comes down to it, just having defense is going to deter most people with bad intentions. Actually using the firearm, whether accurate or not, is going to dissuade most of the rest.
would love to see a couple of viable studies that support this.. since everything I have ever read.. and all studies I have participated in personally.. actually support otherwise..
I may get responses regarding those few others that'll persist, but at that point, it's all hyperbole.
hyperbole - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken seriously.
Are you saying your statements shouldnt be taken seriously? or the statements that oppose your positions shouldnt be taken seriously? Im not tracking your intention with that statement..
personally, I believe the words firearms and hyperbole should never be used in the same conversation.. guns, and shooting people (or the potentiality of it) are things that should never be taken lightly.. to do so puts you, and others at risk of injury, both personally and financially.. which, frankly, is stupid (no hyperbole used).