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Can't a guy enjoy a Davidoff in peace


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Posts/text/etc do a very poor job at conveying emotion.. (I probably do an even poorer job to begin with.. making it that much more challenging).. but.. I am sincerely not hot, upset, etc... so much as I am just trying (pretty hard obviously) to make a point(s)..

debate/argument isnt a bad thing (at least not in my opinion).. I enjoy seeing/hearing other peoples opinions, and want to know what facts, evidence, studies, experience, etc.. drives them..

then we can figure out who is right, who is wrong, if no one is right or wrong, if both are right or wrong, etc..

I will admit thought, when it comes to firearms... I have been frustrated on more than one occasion, by people entering into a discussion expressing completely unfounded, baseless opinions.... unlike a cigar discussion, where it really doesnt matter so much.. and convincing others to do something (or not do something) that could put them in harms way (by a "bad" guy.. or by the justice department.. or by civil action.. etc..etc..)..

I dont think you are doing that however.. and I am not at all frustrated... I think you are offering an opinion, and not necessarily encouraging others to do (or not do) anything....

I just suck at engaging in debate/argument/discussion without coming across like I am "fighting".. when the reality is.. Im normally just trying to get answers/more information... or a better/more clear understanding... ;)


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
All of my kidding aside (and I did shoot a gun once, that was not a joke) I appreciate both your responses. They got your points across without making it very personal. That type of mature interaction is rare.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
We're all adults and sometimes even innocent things tend to go awry...I think what is important is that not everyone comes across as knowing everything on every given subject and when it comes to the original story I even tried to put a little humor into it. The main thought here.....shooting somebody is not like what we see on TV or the movies and the reality of shooting somebody is going to leave more than psychological scarring....taking a life even more so. While I agree that we have a right to protect ourselves and family or property we need to understand the consequences of shooting/killing another human being. Ask any Policeman who had to shoot in the line of duty and talk to them about the effects it takes on them...just because we play with video games and shoot those fake guns and kill all those people...doesn't mean that it's the same thing in real life no matter how many others think they are bada$$ and what they would do under the circumstances.