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Cigar Purchasing planning


the Cigar "Gangsta" ;0(
Rating - 96.4%
149   4   2
Aug 31, 2009
Atlanta, Ga
I'm with you Volusianator.....

I just "Buy Cigars"! :yes:

I can't even drive by a new shop (that i've never seen before)
without stopping and in most cases, buying something! :music:

I follow a very detailed and regimented purchasing plan, sorry in advance for the long post, but it goes like this:

A) If I need cigars, I buy cigars
B) If I don't need cigars, I don't buy cigars.

The key to success of my program is I look in my humidor at least 10 minutes before I make up my mind if option A or B is currently the correct action for my well laid out plan.