Of course,You poor thing!:sadcry:
I hope you got to finish it.
as I keep telling the wife, come-on babe all you have got to do is nibble on the end a little bit....:drool:
Of course,You poor thing!:sadcry:
I hope you got to finish it.
Dude! You are my freakin hero. Screw the wussies. When its time for a cigar, its time for a cigar. Right on.This morning the outside temp. gage read -7 Deg F. Later in the day the temp rose to a balmy 12 deg, but there was no wind. So decided to go out for a smoke. Started fine, but then I started having draw problems. My saliva was freezing on the end of the stick plugging it up.
Wow, you know whats funny. I was just putting anti freeze in my truck and looked at the jug it had -32 on it. Of course that's normal protection but I was thinking I couldn't imagine it getting that cold here in Philly? Now you just answered my question. Where on does it get that cold. Thanksi hear you had another cold one today!! -32 w/wind chill. no thank you.
My father got me a pair of those for Christmas. He got them at the Army Navy Store for like $7.00. They work great.A tip from someone who was standing outside doing the same thing. Get some of those mittens that you can remove the finger covering part (my old hunting ones im speaking of, but there are many many like this that have the finger tip part fold back and have the thumb come out). Also, scotch helps. No ice needed either, maybe a drop or two of water instead :thumbsup: