If she hates the DA trigger pull then take a look at the SIG Sauer P238 or Glock 42 or if she wants to step up to 9mm SIG P938 or Glock 43 or Springfield XDs.Just looking for general impressions. Wife carries a S&W Bodyguard and hates the DA trigger. I'm not super keen on the 380 round but the Lehigh defense 90gr Penetrator looks like a nice defensive round option.
Utah CCW?I can carry concealed in 30 states but not in my home state of NY but when I do I carry an older Astra 75 .40 cal. My hands are pretty large ( I can barely fit two fingers on the grips of a Glock 26) so it's the smallest gun I own that I can conceal. It's also a plus that it's all stainless, if I empty my mag and the perp is still coming I can beat the crap out of him with it!
Pennsylvania. $20 and 15 minutes, after a long ass drive!Utah CCW?
Sell it for a profitJust picked up a 9mm Shield for $300. Didn't need one, but I felt like I couldn't pass up the deal.
Have a PPS already, so the single stack subcompact is already covered, and I'm a wheelgun guy anyway. But I can't turn down a good deal
Might try it out and see how it runs, if I like it enough, it'll get parked in the safe with the rest. But more likely I'll use it as trade fodder for another revolver.Se
Sell it for a profit.
Love seeing full size carry guns in the wild (i.e. outside the dedicated shooting forums)Here's my carry piece-
I have it's near-twin, the 442. Great for deep concealment for pocket carry. Unforgiving in shootability and recoil.I just bought a S&W 642 .38, didn't get the chance to shoot it yet, but it is probably going to be my new carry, depending on how well I can shoot it. Any thoughts on this pistol
I think it took me 5 minutes. It lightens the trigger a couple pounds. If you prefer the stock weight, you just use the original spring.tell me more about this apex kit. how hard is it too install
I just bought a S&W 642 .38, didn't get the chance to shoot it yet, but it is probably going to be my new carry, depending on how well I can shoot it. Any thoughts on this pistol