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Unrepentant Hoarder
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Dec 11, 2011
drunk in a ditch
BTW, I've lost lots of fat and built significant lean muscle mass as a cigar-smoking, Zaya-drinking Crossfitter on the 4hr-body diet, contrary to what zealots on bodybuilding.com would say about such a lifestyle.

As for the comments on supplements, here's my results (YRMV)
BSN products have been generally great for me - NoXplode, TruMass, AxitHT, good stuff
But I've made all my progress this past 6mo on Controlled Labs vitamins, Purple Wraath, Green Mag and White Flood


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Jul 24, 2008
out there
Gonna take the day off. My arm still hurts from the new tattoo last night plus I don't want to have to deal with the cleaning and wrapping of it in a gym locker room after showering. I'll be back in the gym on Monday. Maybe the 3 day break will help my back finish healing and I can do more than just some cardio.
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Aug 7, 2010
If there is a supplement that you need to cycle off of, its almost better to go 1.5 to 2 times the amount of time you're on it. This works well for 2 reasons. 1, you don't want to be dependent on the said supplement, 2,it'll make sure your body's ready to re-up for the supplement.
As for pre workout formulas, I'm a fan of BSN's NoExplode. The Jack3d was too caffeine loaded for me. Haven't tried the 1MR but I do have a couple of samples so I may after I'm done with my current jar.

LOL this is starting to look like the forum at bodybuilding.com
hey makes it easier to have everything in one place G1
I generally agree with you if its something you use everyday. For me, personally, since you're only supposed to use Jack3d or 1MR on lifting days I dont think you need to take as much time off. I was never a fan of NoExplode cuz the only thing that Exploded was my colon. Same thing with SuperDump250.

To be quite honest with you I haven't used too many supplements the past several years because I dont think they make that big of a difference. I like to stick with time tested and research supported products like creatine mono, amino acids and shakes. And I dont mean a product that was researched at Univ. of Toronto and guaranteed to add 5000% more muscle than weight training by itself. The only reason I'm using 1MR now is to get me out of my chair and moving.


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Dec 27, 2011
Marion, Ohio
I try to stay in shape but I Haven't done actual w8 training since I was 18 (other than wearing ankle w8s @ work cuz I walk alot). But I will say this... I found 1 of the most important things often overlooked is EAT BREAKFAST! 4 many ppl trying 2 lose w8 by reducing food intake, this is usually the 1st thing they cut out & it is detrimental. ur body goes in2 a diff mode when u sleep & breakfast is the signal 2 ur body th@ u r awake & will there4 kickstart ur metabolism.

1 more tidbit of profundity: Don't take Alli - it makes u shit urself :nono:


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
To be quite honest with you I haven't used too many supplements the past several years because I dont think they make that big of a difference. I like to stick with time tested and research supported products like creatine mono, amino acids and shakes. And I dont mean a product that was researched at Univ. of Toronto and guaranteed to add 5000% more muscle than weight training by itself. The only reason I'm using 1MR now is to get me out of my chair and moving.
I totally agree. Honestly, 90% of the people using suppliment don't need to be taking them. With a good natural protein diet, stay away from useless calories, and a regular cycle of creatine mono (pharmacy grade, like $15 for a big can) you'll be just fine. Lift heavy, lift hard, lift safe. Get plenty of sleep too. Stick to this for 6 months and you won't believe how big you get! Once you get to that level where your performance and gains start to level out, THEN start testing out various suppliments.

(Btw, I'm not talking specifically to you smokinbodybuilder, I'm talking to the general public)


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Dec 27, 2011
Marion, Ohio
I totally agree. Honestly, 90% of the people using suppliment don't need to be taking them.
YES YES YES... do u ever find the irony in the snipit at the end of a supplement ad that says "with proper diet & exercise"??? It's like, well with "proper diet & exercise" you wouldn't need a supplement. Other than maybe people who have a medical condition that exacerbates weight gain & I realize that supplements can help stimulate more muscle growth (as opposed to simply shedding pounds).
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Aug 7, 2010
I totally agree. Honestly, 90% of the people using suppliment don't need to be taking them. With a good natural protein diet, stay away from useless calories, and a regular cycle of creatine mono (pharmacy grade, like $15 for a big can) you'll be just fine. Lift heavy, lift hard, lift safe. Get plenty of sleep too. Stick to this for 6 months and you won't believe how big you get! Once you get to that level where your performance and gains start to level out, THEN start testing out various suppliments.

(Btw, I'm not talking specifically to you smokinbodybuilder, I'm talking to the general public)
I totally agree with you. I lifted like an animal and took every supplement under the sun but ate like crap and made little to no gains...then guess what...started using only creatine mono, took a shake after I lifted but most importantly started eating a ton of clean, natural protein (a gram per pound of bodyweight) and blew up.

Tobacco Giant

Conn. Broadleaf Slayer
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Jul 14, 2011
I totally agree. Honestly, 90% of the people using suppliment don't need to be taking them. With a good natural protein diet, stay away from useless calories, and a regular cycle of creatine mono (pharmacy grade, like $15 for a big can) you'll be just fine. Lift heavy, lift hard, lift safe. Get plenty of sleep too. Stick to this for 6 months and you won't believe how big you get! Once you get to that level where your performance and gains start to level out, THEN start testing out various suppliments.

(Btw, I'm not talking specifically to you smokinbodybuilder, I'm talking to the general public)
I'll go one step further and say that 95% of supplements are overpriced crap! I'm a pretty avid bodybuilding fan and have researched a lot about supplements. NoXplode is nothing more than sugar and caffeine, providing an energy blast for the gym. A good whey protein is the most important supplement, IMO (and that's not even necessary if your diet is high is naturally high in protein), and creatine can be useful (again, not necessary especially if the goal is to lose weight).

The thing to remember (to reiterate your point) is that you didn't get out of shape overnight and you're not going to get in shape overnight. There is no magic pill, hard work and discipline will be required.

Sorry, I just noticed this thread and it's a MAJOR interest of mine. :)

Tobacco Giant

Conn. Broadleaf Slayer
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Jul 14, 2011
I totally agree with you. I lifted like an animal and took every supplement under the sun but ate like crap and made little to no gains...then guess what...started using only creatine mono, took a shake after I lifted but most importantly started eating a ton of clean, natural protein (a gram per pound of bodyweight) and blew up.
Listen to this man, I've seen his pictures and he looks good.
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Oct 31, 2009
One supp I do like is ZMA. I like to lift heavy and hard. I really feel that it helps me recover quicker.


Navin R Johnson
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Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
3days now... Plus I did an 8 mile, 1450 calorie mtn bike ride... Followed by protein and water. Could feel it in my upper abs...


Navin R Johnson
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Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
Will be making it 4 days tonight, in the meantime, did a 2,150 calorie mtn bike ride on some of the coolest trail I've been on earlier today.
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Feb 19, 2011
Brick, NJ- 10 mins from the beach
Great thread- thanks for starting it...Friday did 45 mins of hills on the elliptical, and today did an hour-long Bob Harper cardio and light weight DVD. The guy is relentless. Feeling good. Running 4 miles tomorrow.
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Feb 5, 2011
Dover, NH
Great work guys. Been on a couple day break but went back at it with a new work out today cutesy of JeFit. Chest and shoulders today. was a bit difficult to wash my hair today lol but feel great.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
My back is feeling a lot better compared to last week. I'm still going to take it easy and rest it. Don't want to re-injure it.