One of those guys at the e-cig booth in a mall stopped me and asked if I smoked. I told him, cigars only. He then tried to sell me on the e-cigar....right up until I asked him what flavor profile does it have? He stammered and said, well it tastes like a real cigar. Then I schooled him how each cigar is different and a flavor profile can change depending on the filler, binder and wrapper, not to mention how aging a cigar affects the flavors and enjoyment of smoking a cigar. After about 5 minutes he stopped me and said, "You could have just said that you weren't interested."
I replied, "Very true, I could have. But now that you are educated about how a cigar gets is flavor and what a cigar smoker looks for, you can explain to your company how their product lacks in comparison to a real cigar and let them try to figure out how to make it better. Until then, I'll leave you with this so you can experience the difference for yourself." and handed him a real cigar. I forget which one, but it was something that I couldn't care less if he smoked or not.