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Energy levels feel like zero lately

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Jan 15, 2015
N. Texas
Sorry to be so late wi. this but I was away from the computer. The Mike I'm talking about goes by "mcroom" and you and he dialogued in Aug. 2013 about your lack of energy? (Sure hope that got better) Anyway, Mike was in his RV headed to a racing event and suffered a heart attack. Sorry to bring bad news but I thought everyone knew already.
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Aug 5, 2013
philadelphia pa
Sounds like your eating and exercise habits are good, even if you have some things you can change (which most people do) I doubt that's your issue. Getting your blood work done is most likely going to lead you to an answer. As stated before, your tes levels may be low, and giving that it's winter time and not sunny (especially if you work indoors during the day) your Vitamin D levels may be low. If it's just your vitamin D make sure you take Vitamin D3 supplements and not some other variation...Otherwise Taking vitamins daily may help, I get a big bottle of the chewy ones! Good Luck!
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Feb 28, 2011
Everyone here has some good suggestions, but the one I haven't read is......go get some blood work done, and tell your doc you want a full hormone panel done. It should test all the Test levels and Estrogen. You could have crashed E2 or low T and both are easy to fix. W/o the blood work you're guessing and following Bro Science.

I would recommend taking in at least 3-5k of Vitamin D-3 though as most are deficient in it and hit helps immensely as well as a good multivitamin. I don't recommend smoothies of any type. You're blending the shit out of the veggies/fruits and breaking them down, something your body should be doing, which is important. Instead everything gets passed directly into your system w/o the work and with fruit it'll spike your insulin faster than shit. Also don't drink fruit juice, pure sugar and way to much.
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Nov 9, 2012
Richmond, VA
cocaine. hell'uva drug…

but seriously I came to post what NCost posted ^^^^ get some blood work done including hormone lvls.

if your Doc won't do it for whatever reason (often times they won't because they don't like to go there for various reasons) check out a website called:
Privatemdlabs.com quick google search always gets a 15% off coupon or so, you buy online and walk into a lab corp no questions asked, results next day online.
if its legal in your state to get online scripts for bloodwork. for a cheaper option on that site for hormone panel you can get the hormone panel for females even though you are a guy and for whatever reason its less than the male one.


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
I am hoping that I may have found the answer as to why I was not having any energy. I am almost 59 and I had blockage in coronary arteries of my heart. I only found this out after a heart attack. All my blood work and cholesterol levels came out good for the last couple bi annual testing. Next time you see your Dr. Ask them to do an EKG; it is the only to see if there may be a problem. Hope you get to feeling better real soon .
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Sep 16, 2014
Food is the best medicine. I have recently cut out ALL processed food and meat. So yes I am one of those weirdos but I feel better than I have in a very long time. There are plenty of articles and documentarys that talk about simple nutrition being the cure for just about everything and I take a little bit from everything I come across. But get rid of the energy drinks and limit coffee to the mornings. Eat only fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, ETC. It is not as hard as you think if you want to feel good again and be healthy for your family
Agree, except for meat! Chomp on all the twigs and berries you want. On the serious side, my wife and I have made a conscious effort to eat fresh fruits and veggies, do the juicing thing and cut back on processed boxed crap. Also, she has finally bitten off on the idea of lamb as a good, yet spendy, alternative to boring old beef. Yes those energy drinks work in a viscous cycle. The thing about buying fresh fruits and veggies is once you buy them you dont want to waste them, your $$.
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Sep 16, 2014
I just turned 30, and a few years ago I started to notice that my energy just wasn't there. It took longer to get going, and I started relying on energy drinks to make it through the day. I haven't been real big on exercise, but being a carpenter I stay in Decent shape just from work. My diet was healthy, little to no fast food, and I haven't drank soda in well over 10 years. My issue was LOW T, I went to a clinic and had the test, I don't have health insurance, so I buy a test supplement at GNC, I can't remember the name of it right now, but it has seriously changed my energy levels and my mood, I'm the person I was 5 years ago. After seeing how the LOW T affected me, my dad went to his doc, and was also diagnosed with LOW T, he uses androgel 1.62, and his moods and energy levels are back to where they should be as well.
That T thing is for real. Its hard to believe, but honestly the supplement works wonders. Age doesnt matter with Low T either. Dont tell the White House you dont have that executive order mandated, money making scheme health insur...!!
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May 11, 2013
I am hoping that I may have found the answer as to why I was not having any energy. I am almost 59 and I had blockage in coronary arteries of my heart. I only found this out after a heart attack. All my blood work and cholesterol levels came out good for the last couple bi annual testing. Next time you see your Dr. Ask them to do an EKG; it is the only to see if there may be a problem. Hope you get to feeling better real soon .
Mcroom makes an excellent point. I would add that the EKG should include a stress sonogram along with it. This measures the efficiency of your heart under stress and helps to predict future heart attacks.