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Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Thank you Craig for your incredibly well stated post. There has been more than enough unnecessary drama here lately and I think that the timing was perfect to put things into perspective and get the focus back where it belongs, on this wonderful hobby that we all share.

I have seen enough forums, bulletin boards, blogs, etc. to know that the internet is full of douche bags, bullies and flamers. The whole reason that I joined BOTL and have chosen to invest my time here is that this NOT like that. It is a true brotherhood and I could not be prouder of my membership and involvement here. Because I travel a fair amount for work it has also afforded me the opportunity to meet and smoke with many of the members on this site and I have made some very REAL friendships that began with nothing more than a common interest and some internet chatter.

I have only been here for a little under 2 years and have seen some high quality brothers join the ranks in that time period. Unfortunately I have also seen a considerably larger number that have come and gone. Some have just dropped out of sight for various reasons (lack of time, lack of interest, life got in the way) but there have also been several in that time that have revealed themselves to be untrustworthy, greedy, or of poor character. Because this usually doesn't happen in the first couple of weeks or months but is generally something that reveals itself over time, it is very important to become as involved as possible and "pay your dues" so that the brotherhood knows that you can be trusted. I hate to say it but for every great brother that joins this forum there are probably 40 or 50 that will hang around for a short time and then never be heard from again. Understandably the brothers that have been here for awhile and have seen this play out time and time again are going to be a little bit cautious. That being said, it certainly does not mean that newbies are not welcome. Every single one of us was a newbie at some point whether is was last week or 8 years ago. I have seen more than my share of newbies (including myself) being welcomed with open arms and encouraged to participate.

The bottom line is that it goes back to Craig's original post in which he paraphrased JFK by saying "Ask not what BOTL can do for you, but what you can do for BOTL!". If we all keep that in mind this place will always remain the awesome place that we all know and love.




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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Thank you Craig for your incredibly well stated post. There has been more than enough unnecessary drama here lately and I think that the timing was perfect to put things into perspective and get the focus back where it belongs, on this wonderful hobby that we all share.

I have seen enough forums, bulletin boards, blogs, etc. to know that the internet is full of douche bags, bullies and flamers. The whole reason that I joined BOTL and have chosen to invest my time here is that this NOT like that. It is a true brotherhood and I could not be prouder of my membership and involvement here. Because I travel a fair amount for work it has also afforded me the opportunity to meet and smoke with many of the members on this site and I have made some very REAL friendships that began with nothing more than a common interest and some internet chatter.

I have only been here for a little under 2 years and have seen some high quality brothers join the ranks in that time period. Unfortunately I have also seen a considerably larger number that have come and gone. Some have just dropped out of sight for various reasons (lack of time, lack of interest, life got in the way) but there have also been several in that time that have revealed themselves to be untrustworthy, greedy, or of poor character. Because this usually doesn't happen in the first couple of weeks or months but is generally something that reveals itself over time, it is very important to become as involved as possible and "pay your dues" so that the brotherhood knows that you can be trusted. I hate to say it but for every great brother that joins this forum there are probably 40 or 50 that will hang around for a short time and then never be heard from again. Understandably the brothers that have been here for awhile and have seen this play out time and time again are going to be a little bit cautious. That being said, it certainly does not mean that newbies are not welcome. Every single one of us was a newbie at some point whether is was last week or 8 years ago. I have seen more than my share of newbies (including myself) being welcomed with open arms and encouraged to participate.

The bottom line is that it goes back to Craig's original post in which he paraphrased JFK by saying "Ask not what BOTL can do for you, but what you can do for BOTL!". If we all keep that in mind this place will always remain the awesome place that we all know and love.


Very nicely worded, Rupe!


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
This is a group of guys. When you walk into a party of a bunch of people who have known each other for years, you don't immediately become best friends...wait, unless there's booze involved. Everybody's becomes life long friends when they're shit faced..or they get punched in the face.. Some would even consider either outcome a good night.. It just takes time, it's that simple. There have been many good posts in this thread that explain it very well. I'm creeping up on my one month mark and for the most part have felt very welcomed. Although I feel like I'm in the Wizard Of Oz dying to get a peak behind the curtain. I've inquired and was told that most of the members hang out in areas that I don't have access to. So I'm just doing what I came here to do, which was learn about cigars and find some buddies that share the same passion as I literally have none. So I'm trying to make this place somewhere I can come and talk amongst friends about cigars (or anything for that matter) that I don't have anyone to relate with in my immediate company.

A few things I've noticed so far; Moderators are not snobbish at all, most noobs don't get laughed off the site for "stupid questions" but rather informed or pointed in the right direction, how many established brothers jump at the opportunity for a noob to get his first trade done (I'm in the works) I have not seen one act of hazing, rudeness, selfishness or the act of pushing any noob away or "keeping them out". I have seen just the opposite; a group of close brothers that try and help the newcomer along. Thank you for that guys. I hope to form the best relationships, have some of the stupidest, funniest and most meaningful conversations with and hopefully (with brothers that are close) share some cigars, making them forever memorable even if they turn out to be dog rockets....we will bomb them accordingly..

So thanks again everyone for making this an awesome place that I was fortunate enough to stumble across on my ever growing stogie adventures. I'll make my mark, that is a promise..
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Dec 7, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
Thanks for digging this one up, 3/5King. I was a little surprised to read about the drama at the beginning of the thread because I've seen no evidence of that in my short time here. What I have seen is an openness toward noobs that is refreshing, and encouraging. I'm still biding my time, posting infrequently, waiting until I can contribute something substantial, but it's clear to me that there are plenty of good guys, and tons of knowledge to be gained. I've only been smoking cigars for 6 months or so, but it's already clear to me that they can serve as a unifying force among people that may not otherwise make contact. I'm looking forward to eventually meeting some of you in person, doing some trades in the meantime, and having a good laugh at Rex's nipples when I see them. (link?) (wait, never mind)

Anyway, I feel lucky to have found this place, and if it's alright with all of you I plan to stick around for a while.
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
I just wanted to post up regarding events over the last few months for the "greater good" of BOTL. Recently, we have seen a lot of negative posts regarding the brotherhood we have built here. Newbs come in and want to make a mark and quickly sour when not accepted after 2-3 months, then post about it bashing the brotherhood we all have spent years to establish.

I remember when my "class" of brothers joined BOTL. We all sent bombs and spent several months and even years paying our dues before fitting in. BOTL is, and always will be, about sharing the share! If you join looking to gain any type of personal benefit you will quickly loose respect from the brotherhood.

This is a group of people who buy cigars to smoke them, if you buy cigars to sell, this ain't your site... And there are plenty of site for sellers, just not this one.

When I joined BOTL I was looking for a place as a casual smoker that I could talk cigars, I was glad to find this place and knew I had to pay my due to fit in.

Lately, it seems as soon as a member hits their 30 days they want to see what BOTL can do for them with ISO posts.... Those guys are clearly missing the point of BOTL.

In honor of JFK... "Ask not what BOTL can do for you, but what you can do for BOTL!" It may take some of the newer guys a while to meet that standard, but at that time, you will have a full understanding of what this place is about.

BOTL.org is not about the latest and greatest cigar, or buying and selling cigars, but the relationships you build with other BOTL's. The sooner you realize that, the better we will all be!
I'm still a newbie on the site and agree that I have to pay my dues which is fine. I love the BOTL because I love to talk cigars and life with my fellow BOTL! To me a real site where we can give our opinions on all subjects. To me it's all about giving than receiving. I definitely don't have a lot of smokes but I love sharing my favorite smokes (Padron). I guess that's why I stay broke but I'm happy and hopefully I can make others happy by smoking a great cigar. I'm definitely ready to pay my dues cuz this a a great site. Thanx for allowing me to participate! :)


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83   0   0
Sep 7, 2013
I just wanted to post up regarding events over the last few months for the "greater good" of BOTL. Recently, we have seen a lot of negative posts regarding the brotherhood we have built here. Newbs come in and want to make a mark and quickly sour when not accepted after 2-3 months, then post about it bashing the brotherhood we all have spent years to establish.

I remember when my "class" of brothers joined BOTL. We all sent bombs and spent several months and even years paying our dues before fitting in. BOTL is, and always will be, about sharing the share! If you join looking to gain any type of personal benefit you will quickly loose respect from the brotherhood.

This is a group of people who buy cigars to smoke them, if you buy cigars to sell, this ain't your site... And there are plenty of site for sellers, just not this one.

When I joined BOTL I was looking for a place as a casual smoker that I could talk cigars, I was glad to find this place and knew I had to pay my due to fit in.

Lately, it seems as soon as a member hits their 30 days they want to see what BOTL can do for them with ISO posts.... Those guys are clearly missing the point of BOTL.

In honor of JFK... "Ask not what BOTL can do for you, but what you can do for BOTL!" It may take some of the newer guys a while to meet that standard, but at that time, you will have a full understanding of what this place is about.

BOTL.org is not about the latest and greatest cigar, or buying and selling cigars, but the relationships you build with other BOTL's. The sooner you realize that, the better we will all be!
I'm still a newbie on the site and agree that I have to pay my dues which is fine. I love the BOTL because I love to talk cigars and life with my fellow BOTL! To me a real site where we can give our opinions on all subjects. To me it's all about giving than receiving. I definitely don't have a lot of smokes but I love sharing my favorite smokes (Padron). I guess that's why I stay broke but I'm happy and hopefully I can make others happy by smoking a great cigar. I'm definitely ready to pay my dues cuz this a a great site. Thanx for allowing me to participate! :)
Well said. Just remember that paying your dues doesnt mean you have to bomb anyone. Just participate and make friends. When you look past the bombs here as I recently have you see an AWESOME group of people. Everyday it boggles my mind how great this site is. It isnt because of the site itself though, it is all about the people.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
This site is definitely much more umm...civilized if we can call it that lol. I post on one more music forum with frequency and there's a few members there who wouldn't hesitate to affect your personal life negatively, and they have before. I think the cigar/piping group of people who are truly in it because they love it get along so well because the main point of the hobbies is to relax and enjoy our downtime. It's nice to build up your collection of smokes, but that's just an added perk, it isn't supposed to be the reason you smoke.

My opinion anyway.
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
I just wanted to post up regarding events over the last few months for the "greater good" of BOTL. Recently, we have seen a lot of negative posts regarding the brotherhood we have built here. Newbs come in and want to make a mark and quickly sour when not accepted after 2-3 months, then post about it bashing the brotherhood we all have spent years to establish.

I remember when my "class" of brothers joined BOTL. We all sent bombs and spent several months and even years paying our dues before fitting in. BOTL is, and always will be, about sharing the share! If you join looking to gain any type of personal benefit you will quickly loose respect from the brotherhood.

This is a group of people who buy cigars to smoke them, if you buy cigars to sell, this ain't your site... And there are plenty of site for sellers, just not this one.

When I joined BOTL I was looking for a place as a casual smoker that I could talk cigars, I was glad to find this place and knew I had to pay my due to fit in.

Lately, it seems as soon as a member hits their 30 days they want to see what BOTL can do for them with ISO posts.... Those guys are clearly missing the point of BOTL.

In honor of JFK... "Ask not what BOTL can do for you, but what you can do for BOTL!" It may take some of the newer guys a while to meet that standard, but at that time, you will have a full understanding of what this place is about.

BOTL.org is not about the latest and greatest cigar, or buying and selling cigars, but the relationships you build with other BOTL's. The sooner you realize that, the better we will all be!
I'm still a newbie on the site and agree that I have to pay my dues which is fine. I love the BOTL because I love to talk cigars and life with my fellow BOTL! To me a real site where we can give our opinions on all subjects. To me it's all about giving than receiving. I definitely don't have a lot of smokes but I love sharing my favorite smokes (Padron). I guess that's why I stay broke but I'm happy and hopefully I can make others happy by smoking a great cigar. I'm definitely ready to pay my dues cuz this a a great site. Thanx for allowing me to participate! :)
Well said. Just remember that paying your dues doesnt mean you have to bomb anyone. Just participate and make friends. When you look past the bombs here as I recently have you see an AWESOME group of people. Everyday it boggles my mind how great this site is. It isnt because of the site itself though, it is all about the people.
You're Absolutely right ENV! It's all about the people!!
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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
Great read ! I'm def here to meet new people and have fun! Just before I was showing my wife the scrabble thread and how cool it is! sadly I have yet to make a herf but I will soon just hard with school and work .. But nonetheless this site is def different from others .. ergo why I'm here loving it


BoM Oct 08 / BoM Oct 09
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Jan 2, 2008
Even though Beardo broke up with me and moved to Atlanta, he's still my one and only.
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Nov 13, 2013
I've said this in another thread but I'm gonna toss it up here.

"I'm not here for cigars. I'm here for the brothers"

I love this place. You all have been an amazing help. I joined before right before a whirlwind of life changes. Since I've been here I've become a father, I've started planning to separate from the military, I've had orders then lost them, I've dealt with some stuff from my past creeping buck up. And through it all the brotherhood has stood at my side. The amount of love and compassion that flows around here is amazing. I've received advice from brothers that has been so valuable, I've been able to bitch and gripe, and I've made several new friends. Thanks gentlemen. I couldn't be happier to have such a great internet home.