Who said law enforcement agency?
How about the NRA? Or Gunsite? Or anyone else that runs a reputable, nationally, or internationally accepted program?
Training Army MPs and Iraqis.. Did your train them specifically in holster drills? And if so, how many were using serpas? How many were using other options? What were the other options? What were the comparative failure rates? Were there differences in draw times? What about first shot accuracy and speed? How many negligent discharges were experienced? What was the determined cause?
The point is.. Where you draw your basis of opinion matters... ESPECIALLY when it comes to things that can cause people injury and death...
I might have an opinion on how to be an MP.. Having never been one in my life.. Do you think it proper for me to attempt to influence how a young MP fresh out of AIT do his job? Is my background as a civilian cop sufficient? Are the jobs exactly the same?
Frankly, doing what's comfortable is not the same thing as doing what's right.. And again.. We're talking about something that has been involved in NUMEROUS incidents where people have been injured....
If there was ever a reason for ranting ... It would be at times when people who have not established a background that let's you why their opinion should be valued or not, make recommendations that have the potential to seriously injure others...
If an opinion is qualified.. By all means.. Share it.. Let's all have a broad based debate and hear the merits and issues on all sides..
But when it comes to people shooting themselves.. Which the serpa has quite a reputation for (among other thing..).. You're right.. I don't think everyone gets a free shot at making open recommendations without first qualifying the information and letting us know why it is valued (information cones from a reputable training institution or reputable trainer, link to an article from a reputable source, significant personal experience, etc etc)...
Gun recommendations are not like cigar recommendations where someone gives bad info and you end up paying $25 for a Gurkha that sucks... Bad gun info can hurt people. And should not be tolerated.. Ever...
Regarding my recommendations... Check out threads in this room over the past 2+ years... There are several of them readily available...
If you want a specific recommendation related to the serpa.. It's already been given... Don't use one... 90 federal agencies aren't allowed to train with them.. IDPA shooters can't use then.. Countless private training companies have banned them... Numerous major law enforcement agencies have banned them... Pick a level 2 or 3 retention holster (if that's what you're looking for) made by a reputable manufacturer that is of quality design.. That is not banned everywhere... There are hundreds of options...