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Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
Does someone with Beersmith here mind giving me a hand with something? My comp is getting fixed at the moment or I'd do it myself.
How much EKG @ 4.5%AA do I need for 10IBU or less if I mash hop the recipe below? I'm getting ready to whip up a no boil Berliner and will either mash hop or just no hop if I can't get the info I need.

Batch size - 5.25
Mash - 90min @ 150f

2# Red Wheat
2# MO
2# Flaked Corn
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
Does someone with Beersmith here mind giving me a hand with something? My comp is getting fixed at the moment or I'd do it myself.
How much EKG @ 4.5%AA do I need for 10IBU or less if I mash hop the recipe below? I'm getting ready to whip up a no boil Berliner and will either mash hop or just no hop if I can't get the info I need.

Batch size - 5.25
Mash - 90min @ 150f

2# Red Wheat
2# MO
2# Flaked Corn
Gimme a few
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
Just ordered my first rhizomes. Not many people in AZ growing and I admittedly know nothing about growing hops but know they shouldn't be in the direct sun here and have the perfect spot on my patio to grow them. Ordered Cascade, Centennial, and CTZ and threw a lb of 2015 Columbus pellets on the order. Anyone grow hops here or have any words of wisdom? Since I won't have the actual alpha numbers I will be using these for late additions and dry hopping only if I can manage to get them to produce.
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
Also, anyone else looking to grow their own hops, yakimavalleyhops.com has the best prices on rhizomes I have found a $3.50/ea and shipping isn't bad either.


Never Settle
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Jan 4, 2015
I have never grown hops, but came pretty close to ordering a couple years ago.

I just know you gotta have a really tall trellis. I forgot everything else about fertilization and soil needs.

Sounds like a fun project.


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
I successfully grew Cascades a few years ago I think my HBT sig still has a link to the thread. The cones were mostly green tasting/smelling but I think that's because I kept the N too high. Super healthy bines just not the right method for good flowers. There's not much info on growing them however their close relative has an abundance lol. A lot of it should be the same for growing good cones.
Personally I always refer people to Great Lake Hops. They sell massive hop crowns that'll give you a few years head start on growing rhizomes. Rhizomes are also much harder to get established and grow successfully.
With a crown your pretty much guaranteed a harvest your first season because your starting with a root ball that's already a few seasons old. I hope you have space though because you've never seen anything grow like this. With plenty of water and sunshine they'll grow 6 inches a day easy.
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Jun 19, 2014
Northwest Indiana
Nearly filled my keg mashtun. 28lbs of grain for this massive barleywine. Someone told me I should call it the Alamo, because it'll be a miracle if the yeast can stand against that much sugar. OG 1.130.

22lb 2row pale
2.75lb munich
1.25lb amber
2lb carahell
3oz citra bitter
1oz citra flavor
1oz citra flavor/aroma
2oz Mandarina flavor/aroma
4L starter of 1056
15m oxygen aeration at pitch, repeat at 6-8hrs



I really need to weld up a brew sculpture. I make a lot of big beers and lifting this stuff on/off burners and stands is not fun. Started piecing together a HERMS setup, but I won't be able to safely bring sufficient amperage to the garage without upgrading my mains from the meter to the breaker. Stuck with manual control for now.
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Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
Good stuff!!

Brew sculptures scare the hell out of me. I know a lot of people use them but the thought of a full HLT sitting up that high just makes me edgy lol.


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
So my first 2 attempts at a Berliner were unfortunately dumped. One because it was pretty much all cheese and no tartness after 6 days and the other batch that I mash hopped never took off at all. I'm not dealing with Brett or the one possibly still had potential. So after a ton of reading I'm ready to try this again with some improvements...

1. Ordered Omega Labs OYL605. Everything I've read seems this stuff is perfect for quick Berliners. Grain is unpredictable and the strains seem better than probiotics. Plus 24-48 hours at 60-90f is much easier than maintaining ~110f.

2. Until I've got the process for the bugs dialed in I'm not wasting the time and clean up of running an AG mash. I'm thinking Bavarian Wheat extract should work fine on its own.

3. Less head space. I think this was part of the cheese problem. Instead of leaving enough headspace for the yeast I'm going to shoot for a bigger batch size. Then before I pitch the yeast I can draw off 2L or so to use to maintain the lacto culture for future sours.

Hopefully by about this time next week I'll be posting back with some good news.