Sour mashing is tricky. To keep the lacto and not get the nasty pedio you need to flush the headspace with Co2 and then cover with something like plastic wrap and make sure it is sealed tight. Timing is important too, I wouldn't sour mash any longer than 72 hours and would probably stick to about 48. I'm no expert, have only done it once and mash sat for 4 days and was absolutely vile. Will be interested in your results. The house I moved into has a blood orange tree and I would love to make a blood orange Berliner.So my first 2 attempts at a Berliner were unfortunately dumped. One because it was pretty much all cheese and no tartness after 6 days and the other batch that I mash hopped never took off at all. I'm not dealing with Brett or the one possibly still had potential. So after a ton of reading I'm ready to try this again with some improvements...
1. Ordered Omega Labs OYL605. Everything I've read seems this stuff is perfect for quick Berliners. Grain is unpredictable and the strains seem better than probiotics. 24-48 hours at 60-90f is much easier than maintaining ~110f.
2. Until I've got the process for the bugs dialed in I'm not wasting the time and clean up of running an AG mash. I'm thinking Bavarian Wheat extract should work fine on its own.
3. Less head space. I think this was part of the cheese problem. Instead of leaving enough headspace for the yeast I'm going to shoot for a bigger batch size. Then before I pitch the yeast I can draw off 2L or so to use to maintain the lacto culture for future sours.
Hopefully by about this time next week I'll be posting back with some good news.