I only have 2 guns and only keep them for home protection. I don't carry.
It most certainly is a vaguely-worded hypothetical situation. You failed to lay out a host of relevant factors that vary from situation to situation...factors that would play a critical role in on-the-spot risk assessment and decision making. In fact, the very reason I'll not be baited into giving you a blanket answer to your scenario is embodied in...BkSmoke said:This is not a vaguely worded hypothetical as Mr. Creek would lead you to believe, it is a specific occurrence that happens frequently within most cities and states.
You just took your all-too-general mind play...which you claimed to be quite specific...and added another factor (among potentially dozens of factors) that was not speficied in your "specific occurance." I will not play in to this sort of selective information feeding and trap-setting while you skirt the points I've raised.Ok Mr. Creek, you pull your gun, the criminal and his two accomplices who you didn't see pull their guns, now you are probably going to get murdered over a car, is it worth it?
BkSmoke said:Most people carry guns because they have a huge inferiority complex...
Careful there Dave. You beatting their ass to an extent greater then just detaining them will get you in trouble. I've seen this a few times outside of bars when I was in college. Guy walks out, drunk, and grabs a girlfriend of another guy, who is also drunk. Guy #2 beats the living hell out of Guy #1.DWavs said:I have a couple of things to add. First, I would not pull a gun on someone trying to steal my car. I would promptly beat their ass and in the slight chance I felt my life was threatened during their ass beating, I would then pull my gun on them.
That's more like itDWavs said:k...I will cuff em and kick em a few times while they're down.
DWavs said:k...I will cuff em and kick em a few times while they're down.
Alright...I'll give ya my straight answers since I agree with some in the thread and disagree with others.fuente said:Careful there Dave. You beatting their ass to an extent greater then just detaining them will get you in trouble. I've seen this a few times outside of bars when I was in college. Guy walks out, drunk, and grabs a girlfriend of another guy, who is also drunk. Guy #2 beats the living hell out of Guy #1.
Both go to the drunk tank, but Guy #2 gets prosecuted for assault.
But Guy #2 also probably thinks it was worth it.
Every situation is different and you only have a second or two to judge it. Better to be safe than sorry, IMHO. There are a lot of scenarios that can happen. Who do you think always wins the case? The dirtbag with a criminal record stealing or a guy with no record at all who provides for his family the honest way? There's a no brainerBkSmoke said:Thanks for the info FPDoc,
I don't understand what Mr. Creek and CVM's arguement is then, if it's against the law to kill/shoot someone who is trying to steal your car then for them to pull their gun is useless and could only lead to them being prosecuted or worse. I would assume that most gun holders would NEVER point a weapon at another human being unless their life was in immediate danger and they intended to use it. So if the law states that you will be breaking the law and go to jail if you use your weapon in this instance, then Mr.Creek you CANNOT use your weapon to protect your vehicle.
If you pulled a gun on someone trying to steal your car, I'd say the odds are 50/50. Even if you won, you could be sued in civil court and probably would lose. Unless you can show without a shadow of a doubt, with witnesses, that you felt your life was in danger, you will lose. Every time. But this is in CA. In MS it may be different.cvm4 said:Every situation is different and you only have a second or two to judge it. Better to be safe than sorry, IMHO. There are a lot of scenarios that can happen. Who do you think always wins the case? The dirtbag with a criminal record stealing or a guy with no record at all who provides for his family the honest way? There's a no brainer![]()
You would be in the wrong if you pulled your weapon without an equal or more severe threat on you. It would be up to you to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you felt in fear of your life. And you better have witnesses that will state that as well.cvm4 said:You must have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that I instigated anything. Again I say, lots of scenarios...
If they try and run you over with it, then you would be within your right to fire, but you could still be sued in civil court if you kill the guy, and you'd probably lose. Again, this is in CA. Juries don't like gun-toting pro-NRA running around killing people, for any reason except if they were fired upon themselves. Again, this is not me talking, but the attitude of the courts in CA.cvm4 said:I never said I'd kill someone over stealing my car. But, if I feel threatened, i.e. they try to run over me with it, they reach in their pocket/etc etc etc.
The great thing about the internet is that you can see other views on topics that may not be in line with your own. If you pay attention (not you, people in general) you can learn something about others and yourself.cvm4 said:Like I said, many scenarios can happen. It's up to the person to judge accordingly and not someone over the internet trying to dictate what they preceive to be right and wrong in their mind. You choose to be passive while some others choose to be active. There's nothing wrong with that and it's just different lifestyles for different people.
Interesting. And a good lawcvm4 said:Actually, contrary to what other states have, the law is on my side in this debate.
It may not be moral to some, but it is legal in my state.