I'm gonna post another point of view here fellas. You're not going to like it, but here it is.
To nearly all of YOU GUYS, of course this seems outrageous. But let me ask all of you outraged people this ...
When was the last time you had to kill someone? Seriously. When was the last time that your country told you it was your patriotic duty to stab someone in the face, or shoot an RPG up their butt? Anybody? Anybody know what that was? And which is worse ... or harder ... killing a man or pissing on one?
When was the last time you had to CHOKE THE LIFE OUT OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, and watch the spark drain from their eyes? When was the last time you had to send some mother's favorite son home to her in pieces? When was the last time you--out of nowhere--turned to see your best friend's face fall into a pile of mush right in front of you, and then you had to immediately go protect the rest of your crew?
You have no effing clue.
I'm guessing almost none of you have had to do any of those things--and that's a very good thing. But these men and women are asked to do these things on a daily basis. I understand that from all of your points of view this video and things like it are "inexcusable," But front-line soldiers have to have a different point of view than yours, because unlike you they have to kill people.
I'm not saying this to justify what was done. I think it's wrong, period. However, you'd have to understand the psychological state of front-line soldiers in order to understand why they would do something like this. In order to walk up to another human being and stab them in the eye with a Ka-bar, most people would have to first believe that this person is evil. They are the scum of the earth and MUST be stopped at all costs, etc. etc.
Every front-line soldier motivates themselves differently in order to cope with the severe psychological trauma of having to kill people regularly. For many, that means going to rather extreme measures at times. For many Native Americans, it meant scalping their enemy. For others, cutting off an ear. For some today, making notches on their rifle or the side of their aircraft is sufficient, which I think is more healthy.
How can we judge our soldiers for making an error in judgement while in the high of battle? Most of us will never experience that kind of rage-meets-serenity experience, when your every movement means life or death for you and your companions. When you know for a fact you could die any second if you don't make the other guy die first. We're talking adrenaline, endorphins, and an emotional state that most of us can't truly imagine. Once the battle is over, it's difficult (especially at first) to just turn that off. It's easy to think, "These bastards killed Nick and Tex and Ravi ... killing them back just isn't enough ..."
Again, I"m not condoning stuff like we see on this video, I'm explaining why stuff like this has happened throughout the entire history of warfare and will continue to do so. And I'm asking that all of us not be so quick to judge something that we have no idea about.