You could roll a padron anniversary in the dumpster behind a planned parenthood and I'd still take it over most any CC. There are CC's I've enjoyed, even sought out, but the disappointment in quality control keeps my finger off the trigger most of the time. The last two boxes I purchased were studio smokes, a box of Diplimaticos #5 and San Cristobal prinicpe, cheaper end stuff, and half of both boxes burned like sh*t, or were plugged. The dependable CC's can be counted on one hand, and that's not a quality I care for. The blending Pepin has been doing lately, his own and contract work, has kept me pretty occupied and on the off chance I slip a CC in my rotation, half way though I wish I held on to it to toss to some novice smoker in hopes that he'll buy my next drink.
When a friend says "give me something like a cuban" I reply "only if when we get to the bar you buy me something like a red wine"
When a friend says "give me something like a cuban" I reply "only if when we get to the bar you buy me something like a red wine"