Resident River Rat
On the 360 version, if you go into the menu, and go to 'Display' you can turn the brightness up. It does it well; it makes it easier to see without making it that washed-out gamma look.I got it... spent maybe an hour on it already.. I like it... it is hard as hell to drive cause a bunch of the city is dark from bridges and stuff and you cannot see worth a damn...
but the graphics on the PS3 are pretty bad ass
I am at about 35% on the total story - been playing a *lot*. Also several hours of play online with some friends. Team GTA Race with all vehicles, all weapons, and cops on = Cannonball Ran with a much higher body count. It's great escapist fun.
I've found some hidden weapons stashes - molotov cocktails (throwing them off the roofs of buildings is fun), the "Micro SMG" (Uzi), 9mm, and last night I found a place for body armor. My map that came with the game has little hashmarks all over it. I don't like using online FAQs if I can avoid them; I'm a DIY kind of guy.
Be sure to make friends with the characters - it seems obnoxious to stop doing missions to take Little Jacob or Brucie out to play pool, but it's worth it for what they provid.
Also, a funny note: MADD wants the game reclassified as AO (Adults Only), which would basically pull the game off 99% of the store shelves in the U.S., because of its depiction of drunken driving.
Which tells me nobody from MADD played the game -- I don't take friends to the bar, because the drunkenness lasts for a long time, you can't drive for shit, and you'll piss the cops off something fierce. It's a neat feature but I think, if anything, it'll make you NOT want to drink and drive in real life.