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IGN.com review of Grand Theft Auto IV is up ...


Resident River Rat
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Jan 14, 2008
Colorado Springs, CO
I got it... spent maybe an hour on it already.. I like it... it is hard as hell to drive cause a bunch of the city is dark from bridges and stuff and you cannot see worth a damn...

but the graphics on the PS3 are pretty bad ass
On the 360 version, if you go into the menu, and go to 'Display' you can turn the brightness up. It does it well; it makes it easier to see without making it that washed-out gamma look.

I am at about 35% on the total story - been playing a *lot*. Also several hours of play online with some friends. Team GTA Race with all vehicles, all weapons, and cops on = Cannonball Ran with a much higher body count. It's great escapist fun.

I've found some hidden weapons stashes - molotov cocktails (throwing them off the roofs of buildings is fun), the "Micro SMG" (Uzi), 9mm, and last night I found a place for body armor. My map that came with the game has little hashmarks all over it. I don't like using online FAQs if I can avoid them; I'm a DIY kind of guy.

Be sure to make friends with the characters - it seems obnoxious to stop doing missions to take Little Jacob or Brucie out to play pool, but it's worth it for what they provid.

Also, a funny note: MADD wants the game reclassified as AO (Adults Only), which would basically pull the game off 99% of the store shelves in the U.S., because of its depiction of drunken driving.

Which tells me nobody from MADD played the game -- I don't take friends to the bar, because the drunkenness lasts for a long time, you can't drive for shit, and you'll piss the cops off something fierce. It's a neat feature but I think, if anything, it'll make you NOT want to drink and drive in real life.


BoM August '07
Rating - 100%
74   0   0
Dec 16, 2004
Sterling, CO
Driving is way tougher in this one!!! I rented it and am playing it a ton on my roommate's 360. Probably get a PS3 when I get back from Paris. I need to stop playing this and study for finals!!!
