Ok, a couple hours in and finally at the end. Great read! Thanks Jeremy for doing all this research and being our resident guru.
I have toyed with the idea of this for a while and my wife mentioned yesterday that she was thinking about it. I told her i would jump in with her. Easier that way i think.
I am probably along the same lines as
@pbibby about being lazy. I have a fairly active job (deliver appliances for a living) and hit the gym for light cardio about 3 days a week. (The light cardio is pushing it for me. Just do not have the energy.)
Anyway, i am 6'3" and currently 291. At best when i was trying to lose weight for sleep apnea reasons, i got to 287. I am the kind of guy that nobody expects to be pushing 300 lbs. My arms and legs are very solid. The dreaded dad bod is my downfall.
I have found that mental clarity, energy and overall enthusiasm for anything has been declining for a while now. This may be exactly what i need.
So, a question, lately a lot of you are talking about testing ketone levels. Is this necessary? If you are keeping in range, is that enough?
Also, this is gonna be difficult, as i am not a veggie type person. And avacado is the last thing i want anywhere near me. I know it is possible, and you guys are very inspirational.
Keep the posts coming, and as soon as we get started i will become more active in this thread, i am sure.