our condolences, Chuck. You had 14 good years with Tyler.
Phi Delt Rating - 100% 58 0 0 Joined Mar 28, 2009 Messages 1,384 Location Edmonton, Alberta May 22, 2010 #61 our condolences, Chuck. You had 14 good years with Tyler.
Northshore04 Rating - 100% 133 0 0 Joined Jun 4, 2009 Messages 859 Location Malibu May 22, 2010 #62 I've been through it several times and it never gets any easier so I know how you feel. Sorry to hear about your loss. My best to you and your family.
I've been through it several times and it never gets any easier so I know how you feel. Sorry to hear about your loss. My best to you and your family.
derek An OG with low post count Rating - 100% 2 0 0 Joined Dec 9, 2004 Messages 1,705 Location CT May 22, 2010 #63 Sorry to hear. I have been through it once already so I know the pain.
rick12string Caught in the Crossfire Rating - 100% 11 0 0 Joined Dec 18, 2007 Messages 2,760 Location South Carolina May 23, 2010 #64 Sorry for your loss Chuck.
Moro BoM Decembre '08 Rating - 100% 29 0 0 Joined Aug 12, 2008 Messages 10,387 Location Mexico City May 24, 2010 #65 Sorry to hear this, Chuck. What little I knew him he was a fantastic pup.
tazbigdog Rating - 100% 2 0 0 Joined Jul 25, 2007 Messages 1,864 Location Austin, TX May 25, 2010 #66 Sorry to hear about your loss, Chuck. Happened to me with Taz (my avatar) a couple of years ago. Very rough! Got another one and we constantly compare the two.
Sorry to hear about your loss, Chuck. Happened to me with Taz (my avatar) a couple of years ago. Very rough! Got another one and we constantly compare the two.