Fair enough, everyone has a different view on things
First, a good merchant knows his stock. He knows his reputation is contingent on the product he sell. As such, they inspect their cigars. THere was a time when not only could you not get sealed boxes, but to get intact boxes at all was boderline impossible, unless you took the risk yourself. Plus, if you think that having a sealed box improves value, then I suggest looking at the high end secondary market and auctions, all of which are not only inspected, but come from reputable sources. We are not talking about WTS threads on forums. Lastly, if you want sealed boxes cause you can resell them later, I will only add the following: 1: I don't buy cigars with express reason to resell later. It isn't a very good investment. I smoke them 2: Getting a sealed box hasn't ever been an issue for me, the times either I have bought or sold. 3: If you can't trust your vendor to sell you legit or decent cigars when he inspects them, then you may want to take your business to those you can. Simply having a sealed box is not some sort of assurance that you received legit product. And as you stated, with a sealed box, you never know what you are going to get. 4: If you do buy a sealed box, in order to resell later, the person who purchases it might be a little upset if they received defective product because no one inspected it. I know I wouldn't feel right about it.
We agree one hundred percent. The problem is that so many of the so called "sources" these days are nothing more that franchises, and rarely if ever actually see cigars or have been to the warehouse they are sold from.
Well, if you think it is made up, perhaps you don't recall the "sale" cigars from a few years ago that were blown out of a now defunct wholesaler because of long term storage issues. THOUSANDS of boxes stored so wet as to make them smell and taste like a musty basement. But, those are cigars that are 6 - 10 years old. If you don't think that high rH has an effect on young cigars, then I suggest you attempt an experiment on the subject. My experience informs my opinion on the subject.
As for the "If they are cheaper, they are worse" idea you don't "buy", again, I can only go on my experience and knowledge about how grey market/parallel market obtain their cigars. Suffice to say, by virtue of price alone, they aren't bad cigars. However, by virtue of the system/method of obtaining/storage/sources that LEAD to the cheap price, they all too often end up being mediocre cigars. There have also been issues of authenticity in the past with certain vendors (some of whom are still in business) who had (at the time) some of the cheapest prices. Heck, some of them even advertised on some other forums. I would suggest, if you haven't already, dropping some real coin, and purchasing from an actual vendor, and not some website front for the La Cava network. You may then understand what I and many others are saying on this subject.
I will say, there are some vendors out there who are grey market sources that do no use these problematic warehouses. They are much more picky about the stock they purchase. As such, while their prices are very affordable, they do have a better quality of stock. They inspect EVERY box before it leaves their control, and their product is just fine. However, they are the rare exception in the discount cigar game.
Well, Im not talking about cigar shops on the other side of the country, but rather the globe. Of course, pictures should be sent to them. Nevertheless, I refuse to send back beetle infested cigars at the cost and risk as a condition for replacement. A number of reasons: I question a vendor who wants beetle infested cigars returned. I question a vendor who sends them out to begin with. What is the remedy to me if they get lost? Who pays any import duties? The hassle of sending them back isn't worth it. Now, a little mold, isn't worth the hassle to me. I would wipe them off and never use them or their "bonded warehouse" again.
None of the the excellent true vendors out there would ever think about sending beetle infested cigars or other substandard cigars. If you are dealing with a good source, then that relationship goes a long way.
I suggest everyone demands that a vendor inspect prior to shipment. Having a sealed box isn't very important. If they can't or don't, or you don't trust them to, you should use someone else. Don't walk, run. You may pay a little more, but it is worth it.
I only say any of this because we've seen this stuff go on for years. I only want to share my experience with the hope that others can benefit and enjoy this passion to the fullest.

<--- cause that's a funny one.... LOL