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New 601 bands

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Apr 7, 2007
Overland Park, KS
According to Colin Ganley, market research shows that blue cigar bands don't sell. The old 601 Blue bands only had a hint of blue (you have to look close). These obviously blue bands are a bit over-the-top. I wonder how different we'd feel about the label change if we saw the black or red bands in the picture.

I agree the old band has a lot more class to it. However, if the cigar blend doesn't change, I don't really care - it's just another band to add to my collection.
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Dec 1, 2009
Eddie said on day 1 of the new partnership that the packaging would change, so I don't think there is cause for BS there.

Secondly, the labels HAD to change, because all the packaging is now being done by other people (i.e. another label-making company, one of Rocky's I"m sure). The design probably couldn't carry over, as the previous label maker owned it.
I remember him coming on to qualm people's worries, and having a good laugh. Mark my words, by this time next year somebody other than pepin will be making 601.

Pepin has his own packaging factory. I imagine EO cigars created the band design/owns the design. I'm sure the changing of the bands was a conscious descision not related to the art ownership; if somebody was looking to make a recogonizable cigar portfolio, I doubt they'd let the design work go under a 'work for hire' contract.

I'm thinking, this is the precursor to the switch. Didn't Pepin stop producing Padilla (before he had his new factory/box factory) and Padilla continue using the Pepin trade-stamped boxes? I would certianly call this design switch a warning sign if you enjoy this brand, reguardless of what Ortega said...
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Dec 1, 2009
...and looking at the crap advertising the RP camp has been coming up with, and the ass-ugly bands on some of the new lines and garish boxes, this all makes perfect sense to me.
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Jul 27, 2009
These are habano wrappers... hrm... they only make one stick with a habano wrapper.


Everybody is trying to cut back on spending these days. Unfortunately, that usually means giving up things that we enjoy. Luckily, our friends at E&O Brands, makers of 601, Cubao, and Murcielago, understand the situation and have come up with a solution. They offered us some premium, long-fill smokes at a ridiculous price, and we are passing the savings on to you. The bundles they sent us have no bands or labels; so we decided to call them the “Naked” cigars. The Nakeds have been wildly successful in our store. Unsure if we were going to be able to order more, we hesitated offering them to our on-line customers. But our boys at E&O Brands came through and hooked us up with plenty to go around. At $1.89 a stick, this is a deal you can’t afford to pass up!


BoM August 2010/2011
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Dec 5, 2009
I also took some pics of the new 601 bands at the IPCPR display. I think these look kind of cartoon-ish. I posted the link to my album in my IPCPR Photos thread.