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Not Good...FDA ruling

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Mr. McSquirelly

Joe Bananas
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Mar 18, 2014
San Francisco, Calif.
So I made my way through the first 50 pages of FDA guidelines. This is not about tobacco as much as it's about nicotine and 'devices' which deliver nicotine to the human body. Apparently, the FDA believes the old-fashioned, machine-rolled cigarette is a more effective method than the e-cigarette, or the vaping pen. Again, classifying cigars with machine-rolled cigarettes, e-cigs, and vaping pens makes absolutely no legal sense. I think lawyers for cigar industry titans will rip these regulations into shreds, looking towards the future. And there's a good chance legislators in the House will see the absurd overreach in these guidelines as well. There's too much money at stake here.
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Feb 27, 2015
Boy howdy, I'm seein' a lotta panicking here. I don't think any of us like this, but, at least for me, here's the bottom line:
* We really don't know how any of this is gonna shake out in the real world.
* Yes, it affects the cigar industry, but will it affect me as a smoker?
* The answer to that is...although there are a lot of cigars manufactured after 2007 that will be affected to some degree, and yes, it will affect the development and marketing of 'sudden' blends, there are a ton of great cigars that were manufactured BEFORE 2007 that will still be available and non-regulated.
* I was smoking cigars before 2007, and if need be, I'll have no problem returning to those blends.
* For those of us who are old enough to recall the wailing, wringing of wrists, and gnashing of teeth over the smog regulations of the 60's, 70's, and 80's on automobiles, today we have vehicles that simply outperform and are more reliable than any of the older stock. While it is a 'right now' blow to the industry, the bottom line is that it will survive, but the lines that will develop from hereon will be better developed and in for the long run.
* If we as consumers panic, and start buying up everything in existence now, we play right into the anti-cigar factions's hands. As stock reduces, prices go up, and we'll return to the ammo panic of just a few years ago.
* To me as a cigar smoker of about 44 years...hey...it's just a ceegar. Relax...smoke on.
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Jul 28, 2015
anderson indiana
I am not even going to Comment. I will how ever say this, it is not the goverment job to tell me how to live my life. It is their job to represent my and others thoughts and feelings Into law. To make sure this country is a just place to live. This action is not just and it will take many years before this wrinkle is ironed out, I don't think it will stick after they see the economic effect it has on the taxes they recive think about it they just nixed them selfs out of 100's of millions
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Apr 26, 2015
BOTL - The cigar industry is NOT DEAD. We are looking at "regulation"--not "prohibition."

Will there be changes to come? YES. Will you be able to walk into a tobacconist and purchase/smoke a cigar? YES. Will we need to adapt to the changes to come? YES. Will we manage to thrive? YES.

Is Crowned Heads going anywhere? NO!


Jon Huber
Crowned Heads
And like again

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
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