BoM Feb 2010
Contragulations Occifer!:driving:
Congrats, Bobby! Glad you joined up so I'm not the oldest one here anymore! :stretchgrguess i can start on year 3 now. it's amazing how much this place has changed in just two years. there were times when there might only be a dozen guys online. now, the family has grown, but yet still remains family. i hope that botl will continue to show the brotherhood and caring that has made it what it is. we have a VERY special place here.
That is great man! Congrats. I know you have worked your ass off to get to this point. Smoke a good one in celebration.I successfully defended my thesis today. That means my committee accepted my thesis and I pass/get to graduate haha. I still have to make a few tweaks to it before I print the final version but it feels so good to have the defense off my plate. Definitely a milestone in my undergraduate career. Thanks for reading friends.