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Aug 16, 2015
Rockwall TX


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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
Rolled a few during the first Warriors-Rockets game. The wrappers, left to right, are Ec. CT shade, LO MSA, Smokepole PA, J Habano, J Habano, LO Brazil, Smokepole PA, Smokepole LO Nica, Ec. CT.

Damn they look so good! I just want to try all of them!

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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
Thanks! Lucky for you I'll figure out which is the best wrapper for this blend, and then you'll get to try that one!
Well I'm never going to argue with that!

I am up near DC this weekend and stopped in Cortez cigar shop. Apparently the owner rolls for events, too bad i don't live here, maybe i could get a mentor too lol

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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
Bout time we shift from pics of the sublime to the ridiculous.

That's a five day old test parejo rolled from Jorge's Filler, 2 viso, 2 seco, one half ligero; bound with PA broadleaf and wrapped in FX Connecticut shade. I'm really digging the CT Shade. Grown somewhere in PA or CT... I forget where right now. So damn delicate, so stretchy, makes such a smooth wrap. Lookee here up close:

A month or two will remove the blotches. Burns evenly. Shines up.

My only prob is the blend is boring. Too much like a cigarette. Needs some sweetness, I think. Maybe Jorge's stuff doesn't like plain PA broad. Maybe I need to jazz up the wrap. I don't like the thought of throwing a fourth leaf in the mix, cause that usually muddies the outcome.

What do you guys think? Who's had success with a Jorge blend? What do I need?

Tried his wrapper, but that's so veiny and doesn't burn nearly so well. I'm open to suggestions here.
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Apr 11, 2016
Heres a few of mine rolled tonight, bloody phone camera didn't focus properly..... Really dissatisfied with some of my leaves, top one is Mex SA and bottom one is Nic wrapper both from Leaf only. The SA is too small for most of my bunches and the Nic wrapper has massive veins that when dry pulls the wrapper and makes it look badly wrapped. Tried rolling pin and it makes holes in the wrapper.

Ones on either side are my bunches that I wrap in newspaper strips to press and dry out, then wrap, usually in the same sitting.

This is a perfecto I tried to roll using the barber pole wrapping method, didn't come out to great but smoked lovely.

All critique is welcome!
Forgot to say all entubado except when my leaves are too small or narrow, then I try and acordion them and slide them into the middle of the bunch.


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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
Heres a few of mine rolled tonight, bloody phone camera didn't focus properly..... Really dissatisfied with some of my leaves, top one is Mex SA and bottom one is Nic wrapper both from Leaf only. The SA is too small for most of my bunches and the Nic wrapper has massive veins that when dry pulls the wrapper and makes it look badly wrapped. Tried rolling pin and it makes holes in the wrapper.

Ones on either side are my bunches that I wrap in newspaper strips to press and dry out, then wrap, usually in the same sitting.

This is a perfecto I tried to roll using the barber pole wrapping method, didn't come out to great but smoked lovely.

All critique is welcome!
Forgot to say all entubado except when my leaves are too small or narrow, then I try and acordion them and slide them into the middle of the bunch.
I don't know what you're talking about brother, those look great! A little veinage bugs me too, but they'll taste great.

How are you casing your leaf?

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