Good thoughts. My problem is with so many combinations, even though leaf choices are some what limited, I could spend a lifetime trying to chase that flavor. Even tasting leaves puro style don't reflect how they will taste once blended with other leaves, in my experience.
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This is true... but not a life time...

... puro style will not tell you how the blends taste together... since power plays are created in the burn... that is who will take the dominant profile lead once burned may not be who you think based on a solo burn. It takes me a dozen blend burns on average to find a blend that hits a certain profile. I have that archived in my mind so when the customer makes a request I refer to that blend as a base. LFD has a base blend that creates their unique profile... the rest is tweaked to create variations... while still being LFD. So what you are searching for is a blend that is comparable.... close but not exact... I've achieved some so close they were nearly exact and yet the leaves where not the same... like the difference between a grand piano and a baby grand ... LFD would be a grand piano... while I'd produce the baby grand

The profile given by the manufacture of the name brand leaf content gives you a head start. You know the leaves you are looking to include should be nic, dom, braz... all based on their profile descriptions... it's then left to you to build the formula from that based on the profile produced on cold and hot draws. Smelling the wrapper should tell you what wrapper it is even when they avoid telling you. Wrappers all have distinct aromas.