Awesome response Stroke. Well thought out, actual facts and good reasoning. As opposed to those with a anti government axe to grind. Funny you were the only one who mentioned if it was disolved a company would just take over the existing facilities and supplies. Kept thinking someone would have picked that up dangling right there. As we both know though it isnt going anywhere for a while. The undertaking would be massive and just not feasible. Also I believe this would be the first large nation to undertake this. Something the US is not know for doing. You all will pay more eventually so just get used to it.
Well I would post more, but I need to put on my tinfoil hat because the Black CIA choppers are circling over head and are listening to my thoughts all while trying to control everything I do and destroying my rights. Good thing my job allows me to carry a handgun wherever I go and get paid to do so.
Well I would post more, but I need to put on my tinfoil hat because the Black CIA choppers are circling over head and are listening to my thoughts all while trying to control everything I do and destroying my rights. Good thing my job allows me to carry a handgun wherever I go and get paid to do so.