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Sad day in my world


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Not sure how I missed this thread but brother my heart goes out to you and your family. I lost a sister in law to the same cancer your mom has...That was about 20 years ago but the pain of it still lingers in the family. I will certainly keep you in thoughts and prayers and truly hope with faith that they can overcome there illnesses. BOTL has a big shoulder even the strongest man can lean on and know this community stands strong with you at this time.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Thank you Ciggy that is truly appreciated. I have really relied on everyone here listening to me rant and also to keep me busy and preoccupied. I have kept everyone updated and I'm a little scared to donate bone marrow as it is supposed to be very painful.

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Apr 8, 2011
The Dark Side
Several years ago at Def Con, the Be The Match Foundation started showing up. A lot of attendies have given DNA (including myself). One of the guys ended up being a match for someone. His report afterwards of both the second test and the donation was that the processes have improved and it's not nearly as painful or scary as it was in the past. Don't stress it bud.

Cheers :ccool:
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Trying not to stress but the first test was pretty damn painful. I have a very high pain tolerance and I didn't know what to do with myself when they were doing the test it is very very odd feeling.

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May 20, 2013
Cary, NC
Your situation was one of the reasons I wanted to move from lurker to member...I just wanted to tell you what a great thing you are doing with the transplant...it must be very frightening, but the fact that you are able to help in such a personal way makes you a hero in my book...I don't pray a lot, but when I do, I mean it...like many here I'm praying for you and your family.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Mofo I am truly grateful for hearing you say that and very appreciative of it. Welcome to the brotherhood and as you can see we all stick together very tightly. I am not a hero in anyway, I'm just a guy trying to do the right thing. I would give the world to help someone else in need I truly would. My cousin needs this so I am willing to go through the pain and suffering just so she doesn't have to and so she doesn't feel alone. You calling me a hero though definitely fills my heart with alot of pride. I truly appreciate the prayers and I am very grateful.


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BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
true heroism doesn't have to be showy: it is the conscious moral choice to put something that is right before personal needs or desires, up to personal safety and well being. you saw what needed doing, and are trying to make it happen as best as you may. stay up, man, we are still keeping you in our hearts and minds.
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Aug 26, 2012
Hello Jonathan,

My heart goes out to you and your family during this traumatic time in your lives. I recently went through a similar scare with my mother. Doctors found a tumor on her uterus during diagnostic testing and for several weeks the entire family went through the most awful hell as we waited for follow-up testing to confirm whether the tumor was malignant or benign. Thankfully it was benign, but the very thought of possibly losing my heart and soul to cancer was unbearable. I will pray with all my heart that your mother and sister make a full recovery. If you ever need anything, anything at all, please know you can count on me. Like the many other BOTL's that have offered their support I am here for you as well.


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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Java I did what had to be done I agree with you there. I just want my world to go back to normal. I wouldn't classify myself as a hero but having you guys reinforce that you think I am really means alot to me it truly does.

Wendy I can tell you I know the feeling oh so well. When I was told that my mom had cancer I felt like this earth shattering devastation. I felt defeated and like life was beyond unfair. It has taken alot out of me to keep smiling and pushing on but I know my mom and cousin need me to be strong and strong I will be. I am so happy for you that the tests came back negative for your mother cause this feeling I don't wish upon the scum of the universe I really don't as twisted as it sounds cause this is a hurt that effects the wry foundation of who I am.

Thank you all for your kind words, support and prayers. This has been a very dark path and you have all been a beacon of light and hope.

Thank you,

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Mar 21, 2011
Dominican Republic
Java I did what had to be done I agree with you there. I just want my world to go back to normal. I wouldn't classify myself as a hero but having you guys reinforce that you think I am really means alot to me it truly does.

Wendy I can tell you I know the feeling oh so well. When I was told that my mom had cancer I felt like this earth shattering devastation. I felt defeated and like life was beyond unfair. It has taken alot out of me to keep smiling and pushing on but I know my mom and cousin need me to be strong and strong I will be. I am so happy for you that the tests came back negative for your mother cause this feeling I don't wish upon the scum of the universe I really don't as twisted as it sounds cause this is a hurt that effects the wry foundation of who I am.

Thank you all for your kind words, support and prayers. This has been a very dark path and you have all been a beacon of light and hope.

Thank you,

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Brother, I'm still praying. I find, like others, true heroism and love from you to your cousin and mother. I will keep supporting you on my prayers.

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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
So Friday is the big day and I am super nervous. The sample they took was painful to where it was hard to describe. I've had surgery I've broke bones and nothing is as painful as this. This is actually a pain I wish upon no one as it is rather severe.

The prayers and best wishes from everyone has helped me keep my head held high and a smile on my face. The dark days don't seem as dark but now and then they do creep in and make it very hard to smile. I wish there was a way I could show you all how grateful I truly am. You have all helped me in your own special ways and I truly consider you my friends and you all hold a dear spot in my heart.


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BoM Feb 14
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Feb 11, 2013
Olmsted Township, OH

I know the pain is a burden my words cannot take away from you, but when you look back on this your not going to remember the pain. Your going to remember giving someone a second chance. Keep your head up. You have my prayers and respect.

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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
So Friday is the big day and I am super nervous. The sample they took was painful to where it was hard to describe. I've had surgery I've broke bones and nothing is as painful as this. This is actually a pain I wish upon no one as it is rather severe.

The prayers and best wishes from everyone has helped me keep my head held high and a smile on my face. The dark days don't seem as dark but now and then they do creep in and make it very hard to smile. I wish there was a way I could show you all how grateful I truly am. You have all helped me in your own special ways and I truly consider you my friends and you all hold a dear spot in my heart.


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My aunt does bone marrow drive recruiting and it's very difficult because the procedure is painful. I'm pulling and praying for you and yours man. All the way.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Thanks brothers. I know in a few months I won't even remember the pain and we will all be able to laugh pool side. It is just a speed bump.

Forty I see why it's hard to get ppl to volunteer cause it is a beating on the body. They are hoping they will pull enough from me the first time and won't need me to come back a second time.

I will hold my head high though and work through the pain. Keep trucking forward. I was told I have very nice thick bones. Rich in marrow and I should keep drink lots of milk like I do. Lol I guess it's a positive lol

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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Ciggy I sure hope there is alot of positive cause I'm not accepting anymore negative I need some damn positive finally.

Glad you back up and running to brother you've been in my prayers.

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