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Dec 2, 2014
NE Indiana
In the bin? The manager was in there and gave me a sample of their house blend. She also said she hated the AB Mundial and was selling them for half price. I'm going back next week to look around a little better.
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Dec 29, 2014
Queens, NY
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Dec 29, 2014
Queens, NY
Hell yes you should keep it! They don't make any better. And if on Friday you decide you do want to sell it PM me.
I better hope my wife doesn't see a potential buyer in the midst. I just bought the newair c300. I thought it would replace the desktop but it is HUGE and looks ridiculous in my bedroom. So I'm thinking, why not just keep both. ;) so I stuck the wineador in the basement.
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Mar 20, 2014
I own that one, and keep car keys and junk in it. Most wood humis are crap, especially ones with glass tops. If you want to look at your cigars, open the humidor. If you give a crap about perfect humidity use a tupperdor, with fragrant cedar from your local shop tossed in.

Ahh, speaking from very specific experience. :)

I'm pretty happy with my desktop humidor. I have a $20 TI bluetooth prototyping kit that lets me check the humidity from my phone without opening it. I certainly have to add distilled water to the beads more often than I would with a tupperdor, but only every 4-5 weeks.
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Nov 16, 2014
I own that one, and keep car keys and junk in it. Most wood humis are crap, especially ones with glass tops. If you want to look at your cigars, open the humidor. If you give a crap about perfect humidity use a tupperdor, with fragrant cedar from your local shop tossed in.

Although I have several stocked tuppedors, I also own a 50 count glass topped humidor. It's not a set it and forget it type deal. Sure I have a couple of boveda packs, and a couple gel jars in there that I have to nurse along and check the rh every couple days, but that's half of the fun of this hobby. Isn't it? That humidor he bought surely isn't ideal, but it's a good thing for him to cut his teeth on and learn what it takes to maintain a proper environment for his cigars. Plus, it's small enough that he will soon outgrow it and move on to the next level.