Anyone else nervous about taking a drink at the holidays? I'm a little fearful, only because I know the bad judgement that I'm capable of,

and I'm just starting the steps this week. I've also got that social anxiety thing hanging over my head. Glad to have the people in my groups,
@8ball and this thread just a phone call or PM away!
Here are a few helpful ideas that work well ANYtime in sobriety.
• If you have to go somewhere that there may be drinking, bring a sober battle buddy.
• If you have to go somewhere that there may be drinking, drive yourself so that you can leave at any time, rather than riding with a drinking family member/co-worker etc.
• Make a plan to be at a meeting right when you think the temptation might be the strongest. Better yet, make a plan to pick up a new(er)comer and take HIM to a meeting!
• Call your sponsor!
• If you're really worried about it, skip the things that are the biggest triggers! (don't go to work supported drunken hootenannies!)
Here's the deal: none of us could keep ourselves sober (not happily, at any rate). The thing that keeps us sober is a miracle. It's some sort of higher power. So for us, we have to be in "fit spiritual condition" to meet these challenges. So do a lot of…whatever it is that you do to aid your spiritual condition, and make sure you are being honest with yourself! Don't lie to yourself and think you're going to be OK when in the back of your mind you are planning to have a "whoopsie." You know how in college you start classes at the 101 level? Well, this is AA 101. Which means read page 101 (and however much following that which you feel is relevant/beneficial). And most importantly, talk to your sponsor! Enjoy your first sober holiday!