Wow! What a great thread to wake up to on this New Year!
I'm Christi, and I'm an alcoholic. My sobriety date is Nov. 21, 2009.
When I was about 2 years sober, my husband said something similar to me...."do you really think you're an alcoholic? You didn't drink that much....." oh, he never SAW me drink that much. I was pretty good at hiding it! Now our oldest daughter, she is the one who called me out on my drinking when she was like 19. Maybe I didn't have a "drinking" problem......what I had was a STOPPING problem!

Once I started, I couldn't stop!
I'm also very active in my area, and homegroup.
I know it's guys sponsor guys, gals sponsor gals.......but you can absolutely add me to the list of available alcholics....nothing so much insures us from picking up a drink as one alkie talking to another alkie. Pick up that 500 lb phone! You will probably be helping me more than I am helping you!