BoM January 2010
Yep, and that's why when I buy Ligas they always arrive "wet." But it's all good, as I prefer to age mine anyway.I prefer my humidors to be between 65 - 67 - this has alot to do with the type of cigars that I prefer to smoke... cigars with heavy material and robust wrappers imo always smoke better a touch on the drier side.
The issue that we have as a manufacturer who has to ship the product and for retailers who have to store the product this is NOT ideal because the cigars are more delicate when the RH is lower.
Many manufacturers seem to do this now, including Tatuaje (though I will say the Fausto and LCC both seemed as though they were drier than I'm used to receiving, and that's a good thing since I wanted to try them asap).