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The Final Countdown has Begun

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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Few other things, make a timeline of your day, from getting ready all the way to clean up for those that will and after party. Give these to each vendor you use so they can be on point as well. Another thing to do for your photographer is make a shot list (most I know will ask for this a head of time), this insures no one is missed that you want a formal picture with.
YES! I forgot about this... These are things you really ought to do. I missed a few crucial photos because we didn't make "a list." Kicking myself now...
And Vendors NEED to know that plan... helps so much!
It really does man, it's one of the first things I ask my clients to do.

Also something that is nice to do is put vendors information on these time lines that are handed out. Some vendors like to try and communicate prior to the wedding date, even if its just an email address. That way they can be on the same page about things ex. when the venue will be fully set up in order to get pre shots, when the cake will arrive, if a limo is used can a go pro be set up inside... Yadda yadda.

Sent from your mothers phone


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Big congrats bro!! You'll be fine. You've been with her and this child for most of his life and gained his love to call you dad. It's takes alot of work to be a family man and put your convictions into it wholeheartedly. Welcome to a very rewarding future my friend!
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Dec 20, 2012
Queen Creek, AZ
Thanks Sean and Matt, we'll definitely sit down with our photographer before hand to plan out our day. We really have no clue as to how long things should take, who needs to be where, etc. She really seemed to have it down to a science.

Thanks ninja an ciggy, before I met her I didn't care for kids and had no intentions of every having one. Now, helping to raise a child has been the most rewarding and frustrating I've done, and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Thanks to everyone else, I really reassures me that I'm making a great choice.
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Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Congrats, and good luck brother!

Beat me to it. :clap:
yep...was thinking the same thing LOL.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding Goeff!!

Mrs. Rupe and I will be married 31 years next week (the day before Sean's anniversary). Reading through this thread brought up the topic of our wedding all those years ago and we just had a nice discussion about the big day. Aside from being nervous as hell, the day pretty much went off without a hitch. Both of us were just kids at the time (19) but we surprisingly had things pretty well planned out. My father-in-law was a bar owner and the reception hall was right across the street from his tavern. He pretty much had the bar running like a well oiled machine and when we ran out of beer he just went across the street and wheeled another keg over on the hand truck (we went through 5).

Thinking back on it, our wedding was not significantly different in format than the most of the weddings we attended before and after our own. There was a certain formula that all of them followed and all we did was plug in the specifics to make it our own. The caterer was one of two that pretty much did all of the weddings in our town and since she had been doing it for 40 years, the meal (buffet style) was exactly what we expected since we had eaten it dozens of times before at other weddings. We got married before DJs were popular so we hired a band that pretty much just did weddings. They coordinated all the stuff that goes along with weddings (cutting the cake, dollar dance, bride's dance with dad, garter toss, bouquet toss etc.).

Basically I think that we were just too young to know any different. We didn't try to get too fancy, we just planned our day in the same way that we had seen it done by others and things went well. Here's wishing the same for you on your special day!!!
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Jul 27, 2013
Crystal Lake, IL, USA
Congrats; the wife and I did our wedding on the cheap, married by a justice of the peace in an old church, played our music through an ipod, had a wonderful meal at a local place afterwards. A great time was had by all. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses.
My wife and I did the exact same thing.
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Dec 20, 2012
Queen Creek, AZ
Congrats; the wife and I did our wedding on the cheap, married by a justice of the peace in an old church, played our music through an ipod, had a wonderful meal at a local place afterwards. A great time was had by all. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses.
My wife and I did the exact same thing.
We're kind of going that route. We rented a lodge up in Overgaard, AZ. The two of us and a few family members will be staying, we're doing the ceremony in the front yard, and the reception in the lodge and on the huge wraparound porch. We tried to kill 3 birds with one stone.
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Dec 20, 2012
Queen Creek, AZ
26 days left and somewhere along the way my garage turned into an arts & crafts studio. Oh well, still get to play with power tools. Still no mental breakdowns and things are coming together.

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Dec 20, 2012
Queen Creek, AZ
18 days to go and I had a slight mental breakdown last night and the one of my cats got the burnt of it. But in my defense the little asshat kind of deserved it. So after working for 9 hrs I come home and start helping her craft. She then tells me that her car is acting up, maybe the battery? So take it over to Autozone and get it load tested, it fails. No big deal it's under warrenty and I get a new battery for free. Still, the trip over and back and the install take an hour out of my night. I get back and start reupholstering some chairs, while taking breaks to do the laundry and give the kiddo a bath. 10 o'clock rolls around, I still haven't stopped to sit down or eaten anything since lunch, I walk into the kitchen, my cat is in the dinning room and has been chewing on my flipflops for the past hour or so. LITTLE BASTARD!!! The cat tares off running across the house and hurl my flipflop as hard as I can (not intending to hit him, just scare) BAM! Nailed him, I had know idea I was that accurate with a flipflop from 30ft. Didn't see the cat for the rest of the night. Tonight I think I'm taking the night off. I'm just going to grab a stick and take the kiddo over to the park and relax.