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Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Hope you heal up soon. Being out for something like that sucks.

Reminds me of the time I was running with my dog. She dropped her ball and I stepped on it. The front half of my foot rolled over the top and nearly bent in half. I was down for nearly six months and nobody could figure out what was wrong. Five years later and sometimes it still goes numb when I walk on gravel or uneven surfaces.

I went from lifting at least four days a week and running / jogging four days a week to completely detrained. The food and light duty at work made it way to easy to pity eat and head down that road.
Yes, I've already eaten more crap in the last week than I did in the previous six months. That's how my depression manifests when I have an injury I can't train around. Even though I realize it, I continue to spiral until I get in the gym.

Six months is crazy, last time I was down nearly that long was in 2018 after I broke my leg and ankle playing hockey. And you're still feeling the effects 5 years later, that's frustrating, I am sure.

Don't even get me started on the time a couple doctors misdiagnosed two cracked vertebrae and a crushed disc for almost 6 months when I was in my 20s....


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
And I tell you, my metabolism is garbage now. So while eating at -500 while exercising 5 days/wk might not yield any weight loss...I guaran-*$&>,%-tee you that one week of vacation in which I ate junk food was enough to ensure that perfectly fitting pants were painfully tight for the next month. Just completely demoralizing.
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Mar 8, 2022
Yes, I've already eaten more crap in the last week than I did in the previous six months. That's how my depression manifests when I have an injury I can't train around. Even though I realize it, I continue to spiral until I get in the gym.

Six months is crazy, last time I was down nearly that long was in 2018 after I broke my leg and ankle playing hockey. And you're still feeling the effects 5 years later, that's frustrating, I am sure.

Don't even get me started on the time a couple doctors misdiagnosed two cracked vertebrae and a crushed disc for almost 6 months when I was in my 20s....
I completely understand the food issue. The first couple of months dealing with my concussion the food bill went up about 20%.

My foot usually gets me when I push it hard on gravel or rutted surfaces. It is something about the flexion. It doesn't get debilitating, it just gets super annoying. The thing that annoys me the most is that the orthopedic docs want me to come back every 8 - 12 months for a steroid shot. Why bother if it just masks the issue?

Doctor's and misdiagnosis, name a more iconic duo.
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Mar 8, 2022
KB Swings 10/side -> 5/side
KB Deadlift 10 two handed ->5 per side
Bent over row 10/side -> 5 two handed
Over head press 10/side
Alternating bulldozer laterals heavy triples for 9/side

45 seconds between exercises on the first round. 15 second rest on the second round.
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Mar 8, 2022
Yesterday was full upper body. I just went from one exercise to the next until I hit all of the muscle groups.

I started with light warm up weight and went for 20 reps. Then jumped up in weight each round before finishing with another round at warm up weight.

Then later I did some crush grip KB overhead presses and single arm overhead press.

I'm seeing a little bit of results, but I still need to sit down and program something out. Just doing what I want when I feel like it isn't very efficient.
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Mar 8, 2022
Yesterday I got a message from the Doc because she is worried about my BMI. She suggested that I should be trying to get down to between 150 and 170.

I laughed so hard I nearly spit out my coffee.
"Ma'am I appreciate the concern and understand that I need to lose weight. However, 170 is more than a bit out of the question. The last time I was under 200 was a decade ago. That required strict diet control and five or more days of intense exercise per week.

The last time I saw 170 pounds I was in the eighth grade and riding my bike a mile or more everyday. So, unless you are willing to sponsor me while I quit my job, I think we may need to reassess that goal."


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020

Super slow incline dumbbell curls to failure as a finishing set absolutely killed my arms. Got that nice pump going and can barely lift my arms now :LOL: