Week 16 Update
My wife continues to accumulate sissy junk for James. I have only managed to snag 1 camo sweatshirt and a Steeler bib. Plenty of time still.
Upon further research of What to Expect When You are Expecting (late at night while she is sleeping), I was prepared for all the hormonal episodes that the aforementioned literature claimed I would be in for. Last week, I heard her dart across the upstairs while I was downstairs in the basement. Approximately 3 minutes later she was behind me crying. At that point in life, I accepted I was in a no win situation but proceeded to ask her what was wrong. While holding a soiled shirt and wet panties, she explained through her tears that as she was expelling vomit into the toilet, she also "tinkled" herself. I assured her that her secret was safe with me.
Note to self: If this happens again, laughing is not the wisest of choices.