David you know that has nothing to do with being pregnant...its just a woman thing
The odor thing is really completely amazing. The slightest little thing from shampoo to fried squirrel and they start barfing. * Note to David, Don't fry squirrels in the house the next eight months.Week 17 Update
All the literature I have spied supports the fact that she will become forgetful. What a freakin' understatement!
Things that Heather is unable to successfully do as of right now:
1. Remember if she has asked me something 10 minutes after asking. Thanks, I enjoy repeating myself several times a night!
2. Balance her damn checkbook. Just what the hell I need right now...charges for being in the red!
3. Remembering if her vehicle needs gas. My God, it is so fun driving to the gas station and adding 73 cents of petrol to top off that baby!
4. Writing a coherent grocery list. WTF does a triple entry of Honey Smacks mean?? Do you actually want 3 damn boxes of the tooth decaying junk?
5. Turning off the bathroom exhaust fan. I am undertanding of whatever occured that caused a displeasant odor in the lavoratory, but does it really take 7 1/2 hours of exhaust to dispose of the smell?
Note to self: Do not imitate her when she can't stop coughing.
note to self, don't drink red wine while reading Chuck's posts.....The odor thing is really completely amazing. The slightest little thing from shampoo to fried squirrel and they start barfing. * Note to David, Don't fry squirrels in the house the next eight months.
:rofl:The odor thing is really completely amazing. The slightest little thing from shampoo to fried squirrel and they start barfing. * Note to David, Don't fry squirrels in the house the next eight months.
Ah you have so much to learn about new fathethood grasshopper. She will look around and you will hear those fateful word, "Honey with the new baby don't you think we really need new carpet and while we are at it we should really redo that disgusting basement so it is BABY READY>She will not invade my finished basement. She doesn't want a child crawling around on carpet from 1979. I am golden.
Naw man...