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What to buy?

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Jan 5, 2018
New Jersey
Read a bunch of reviews, best cigar lists, BOTL recommendations and make a list of the cigars you want to try either as singles or 5 packs. Use this list to pickup cigars as you go. Add to the list as you find others you want to try and delete from the list as you buy them. Eventually your gotta try list will decrease in size as you lists of like and don't like will get larger. It seems to work pretty well for me.
I do this with all my purchases as well as for cigars I am looking to purchase it works great for me and its helpful to track what you have, what you've smoked and how you felt about it.


"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum."
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Oct 28, 2017
When I was newer, I would typically just buy singles at a local B&M and if I liked a certain stick, I'd note it and either buy it again in multiples or buy it offline.

Now that I almost solely buy offline, I purchase samplers or 5ers of different sticks, and if I like them or love them, I put them on my buy again list.