I'll agree with you, dockworker and Flanagan are both top notch.Had some HU Sunset in my Ural meerschaum. Good VA flake. Still preferring the dockworker and Flanagan out of the group I purchased.
Wow it is kind of with slight fruit flavors. Little on the lighter side in strength I think. So if it's the kick your looking for dunhill is the place. Escudo has become a new fav for me, not a daily smoke but every other I can see it in rotation. That is a hot looking Savinelli, I am going to have to pick up a 320 seems everyone but me has one lol![]()
One more from late last week, PToM from October, Dunhill De Luxe Navy Rolls in the Savinelli 320 Vaniglia
James, is the Escudo similar?
Going to have to crack a tin...
What did you think of it?
This is only the second bowl I have had. The first I rubbed out and this one I tried the fold and stuff method. I really should have let it dry as I did have a hard time keeping it lit. That, however, was the only downside I found to Irish Flake. Excellent smooth tobacco taste and I love when I catch a whiff of the smoke drifting up from the bowl. I did not experience the least amount of tongue bite either. The rumors that Irish Flake is Nicotine heavy are all true. Even with my very minor experience with this tobacco, I already plan to get more.What did you think of it?
The briars sure are purdy but none smoke a lick better'n my cobs.I love my cobs as much as my briars
there is NOTHING wrong with that, but it would make me sad. my old ass DrG's that smoke great, my CPerkins that is just about the nicest object i own, my nord that adores virginia based tobaccos, my little sav serie III that has slowly colored with me for over a year, they all smoke amazing for me, and each is unique.PS Luxury Navy Flake in a briar.... I don't like briars. Have yet to have any blend taste better in a briar. I've tried well-used 1/4" thick caked briars, recently scrubbed and stripped briars, brand new briars, well loved small caked briars and none compare to a cob. I'm done, I'm just sticking to the cob and that's it.
The cob seconds are a great deal to test with I think 10 for 30$The briars sure are purdy but none smoke a lick better'n my cobs.I love my cobs as much as my briars
Just ordered two more MM Country Gentleman. Already have two dedicated to certain blends, two more dedicated to styles. Picked up another two for more experimentation.
That sounds like what I need to get to better my cob collection, I forgot I have 4 mini MM cobs and one Legend the rest are china they smoke great to one 50 bowls in still looks new the other 30 looking good. Doing a test really. Want to see for myself.The cob seconds are a great deal to test with I think 10 for 30$