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Your first cigar experience? What cigar? How old? Etc

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Oct 30, 2017
I remember the first time I had a beer. There's even a picture of me holding a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon (back before hipsters thought it to be the blood of the messiah). I was barely 3. First time I was drunk was 8, at my parents' wedding. The next day was horrible. Champagne and Andes chocolate mints just do not mix well...especially coming back up. So many other firsts....first bicycle, first fight, first kiss, first STD.....I mean the list just goes on. Been a helluva of a 40 year ride.
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Feb 2, 2017
I remember the first time I had a beer. There's even a picture of me holding a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon (back before hipsters thought it to be the blood of the messiah). I was barely 3. First time I was drunk was 8, at my parents' wedding. The next day was horrible. Champagne and Andes chocolate mints just do not mix well...especially coming back up. So many other firsts....first bicycle, first fight, first kiss, first STD.....I mean the list just goes on. Been a helluva of a 40 year ride.
what kind of cigar would pair with champagne and andes mints? maybe one of those java mint deals? that's probably a $20 cigar experience?
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Apr 17, 2018
New York City
what kind of cigar would pair with champagne and andes mints? maybe one of those java mint deals? that's probably a $20 cigar experience?
Ooh. Andes mints is a take me back. My parents used to keep them in our living cabinet for company. My sister and I used to take them from time to time. Though no one questioned why boxes kept needing to be replaced.
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Apr 17, 2018
New York City
what kind of cigar would pair with champagne and andes mints? maybe one of those java mint deals? that's probably a $20 cigar experience?
Depends on the champagne. But considering champagne tends to be dry. And andes mints are sweet. You’d want a medium cigar with a little bit of spice to balance out the pairing. Maybe a Caldwell Eastern Standard. Montecristo Pilotico. If you wanted stay on the smoother side... the CLE Prieto (has Indian spice and nutmeg with some caramel)


Outlaw Hockey Biker
Rating - 97.9%
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Sep 6, 2005
First cigar was at a wedding in 1987. I think it was one of the inexpensive Fuentes like a Flor Fina. Knowing nothing about cigars (humidification, long filler, etc), I smoked AC Grenadiers from Walgreens' non-humidified display for the next 15 years.
Discovered good cigars at a B&M in early 2002, and learned all I could. Lots of boxes of stuff I couldn't even look at now (Partagas Black, La Aroma de Cuba) and some I could (CAO Brazilia, Fuente Hemingways) before discovering Cubans in 2003. Got on the cigar forums shortly after that and it's been wonderful in every way since.
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Mar 17, 2015
A $400 cigar that is not very good, would make an amazing experience turn miserable because I just got hosed on $400. Let's look at your situational examples from the point of view that you just realized the $400 cigar is a complete dud.

First of all, everyone is complaining about the cigar smoke so, that's super annoying. Then they get weird around me because of my pretentious response of, "Hey, I'm outside and can smoke where I want. Besides, this is a $400 cigar!" and I start ruining the overall experience for everyone. Then, the moment I realize this is a crappy cigar and nowhere near worth $400, I chuck it with a fit of rage. ...wait, what's that smell? Ah crap, the grass is on fire because of that cigar now. Chaos ensues. Not a great moment.

"Doc, can you hold this $400 cigar for me while I cut the umbilical cord?" I don't see that going over very well. Later, you are at home thinking about how much that $400 cigar didn't live up to the hype and you literally burned $400. Anger begins to set in but you remember, you are a new father. You go in to play with your child and they end up throwing up and crapping at the same time. Blah.

And you keep having burn issues because there is too much humidity in the air. Then you start wondering if the cigar was crap to begin with or if you ruined the cigar by choosing to smoke it in such conditions. That snowballs into how your wife is right about you not being able to do anything correctly and all you do is burn the family money on cigars which jogs her memory of how you set your sister's wedding on fire and you refuse to change the baby's diaper or deal with spit up. You jump off the waterfall to end it all but you end up living to see another day because the water broke your fall. Embarrassing and not a great moment.

This is a great feeling. I love closing major deals. But if I light up a $400 cigar and it sucks, all I'm thinking about is how many more major deals I need to close to justify smoking a crappy $400 cigar. Inevitably, the wife is yelling because she saw the bank record where you spent $400 (+tax) at the local B&M. She comes out yelling because you don't need another humidor and you tell her, "Babe, I didn't buy another humidor. I bought a cigar." "A cigar!?!" she screams!! "I HOPE IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE!" ...and all you can do is cry because it wasn't the best moment of your life. In fact, the cigar sucked and you wasted $400. You cry yourself to sleep thinking about how this is not a great moment.

...no. At this point, you need focus on where you are wandering and why you can't remember if it's a new city or a familiar one. You have bigger issues at hand but then it strikes, "this $400 cigar sucks!" Now you start vandalizing things in this new/familiar city and you become a terrorist threat to the local authorities. Not a great moment.

I do enjoy this. But when they learn that what I am smoking is a $400 cigar and what I passed out to them was only a $40 cigar, it becomes odd. There's a tension in the air and no one wants to talk about it. Things get awkward as the night progresses and you say something simple like, "Hey Mike, those shoes are pretty cool. Where did you get them?" to which Mike says, "Whatever bro, these only cost $90 and you probably wouldn't spend less than $300 for shoes like this because they aren't up to your 'standards'". Then all hell breaks loose and all you can think is, "this is not a great moment".
You crack me up man! That was fun to read!


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Sep 29, 2014
Mooresville, IN
A $400 cigar that is not very good, would make an amazing experience turn miserable because I just got hosed on $400. Let's look at your situational examples from the point of view that you just realized the $400 cigar is a complete dud.

First of all, everyone is complaining about the cigar smoke so, that's super annoying. Then they get weird around me because of my pretentious response of, "Hey, I'm outside and can smoke where I want. Besides, this is a $400 cigar!" and I start ruining the overall experience for everyone. Then, the moment I realize this is a crappy cigar and nowhere near worth $400, I chuck it with a fit of rage. ...wait, what's that smell? Ah crap, the grass is on fire because of that cigar now. Chaos ensues. Not a great moment.

"Doc, can you hold this $400 cigar for me while I cut the umbilical cord?" I don't see that going over very well. Later, you are at home thinking about how much that $400 cigar didn't live up to the hype and you literally burned $400. Anger begins to set in but you remember, you are a new father. You go in to play with your child and they end up throwing up and crapping at the same time. Blah.

And you keep having burn issues because there is too much humidity in the air. Then you start wondering if the cigar was crap to begin with or if you ruined the cigar by choosing to smoke it in such conditions. That snowballs into how your wife is right about you not being able to do anything correctly and all you do is burn the family money on cigars which jogs her memory of how you set your sister's wedding on fire and you refuse to change the baby's diaper or deal with spit up. You jump off the waterfall to end it all but you end up living to see another day because the water broke your fall. Embarrassing and not a great moment.

This is a great feeling. I love closing major deals. But if I light up a $400 cigar and it sucks, all I'm thinking about is how many more major deals I need to close to justify smoking a crappy $400 cigar. Inevitably, the wife is yelling because she saw the bank record where you spent $400 (+tax) at the local B&M. She comes out yelling because you don't need another humidor and you tell her, "Babe, I didn't buy another humidor. I bought a cigar." "A cigar!?!" she screams!! "I HOPE IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE!" ...and all you can do is cry because it wasn't the best moment of your life. In fact, the cigar sucked and you wasted $400. You cry yourself to sleep thinking about how this is not a great moment.

...no. At this point, you need focus on where you are wandering and why you can't remember if it's a new city or a familiar one. You have bigger issues at hand but then it strikes, "this $400 cigar sucks!" Now you start vandalizing things in this new/familiar city and you become a terrorist threat to the local authorities. Not a great moment.

I do enjoy this. But when they learn that what I am smoking is a $400 cigar and what I passed out to them was only a $40 cigar, it becomes odd. There's a tension in the air and no one wants to talk about it. Things get awkward as the night progresses and you say something simple like, "Hey Mike, those shoes are pretty cool. Where did you get them?" to which Mike says, "Whatever bro, these only cost $90 and you probably wouldn't spend less than $300 for shoes like this because they aren't up to your 'standards'". Then all hell breaks loose and all you can think is, "this is not a great moment".
I cannot "like" this enough, holy shit was that funny.....damn you B, you're gonna scare off the new guy. Don't worry about him @Nycphotog10010 He likes to see if the new guys can take it, before they hit that "report" button......kinda like going to prison and beating up the biggest dude so you don't get fucked with, that's how you have to take him.

As for myself, I was dating this girl back in 97' I believe, and we were downtown at "the oldest bar in Indianapolis" I was yucking it up with a feller at the bar, and he mentioned he had some "Cubans" on him (I was a cigarette smoker at the time.....I started smoking when I was 7......in case that gets asked) and asked if I wanted one.......well HELL YEAH I do! He pulls them out of his shirt pocket and we light up.....we're puffing away, and the bartender says "Hey, you can't smoke that in here!"
"Smoke what? The cigar?" I ask
"Yeah. there's no smoking in here" I look around and everyone and their mother is smoking cigarettes INCLUDING the bartender (remember this is in 97 before smoking was bad for you) So I say "But everyone here is smoking" "the cigar, you can't smoke cigars in here" "What a bunch of fucked up bullshit man!"
The feller who gave me the smoke nudges me and says "C'mon man, let's go outside and smoke." I get up glare at the bartender, he glares back and I walk outside with my new pal.

Fast forward to 2006.....I'm hanging with a co-worker (who ends up being a family member later in life.......slow down there, I'll get to it), so I'm at his house and we're playing Rock Band (i'm on drums...if you care, and sucking...I'm a natural on the bass.....it's bass, not bass) So we're "rocking out" and he says "Hey man, do you smoke cigars?" I tell him the story you just read (no skimmin' pal, read every word) So he gets up, pulls out a small 20-30 count humi and produces some cigars........he proceeds to teach me how to cut, light and smoke and I really enjoyed it.

I enjoyed the cigar, but I still wasn't the cigar loving fool you've grown to know & love.....or hate (perish the thought)

Fast forward to 2010 (I promise I'm getting there, be patient, will ya?) I'm at my wedding (second one if your're keeping count), and my co-worker is now my brother in law (fucker got married 3 months before I did, and wasn't even pregnant......show off!) gives me and all my dudes Rocky Patel Vintage 1990's (btw this was the same stick he gave me back in 2006) I ended up smoking mine, and my best man's...........STILL not hooked yet.

Last stop people fast forward to 2011, August to be exact and I'm showing the wife The Sopranos (now just a bit of back story, wife was a cigarette smoker, I was not) so Tony is smoking a cigar and just looking cool as shit, so I say "Ya know, I think I might take up cigars." "Ok, why not?" was her response (my god is she eating those words now).

So, I start doing some internet research and stumble upon a little site (no not Puff) and I meet Mr @icehog3 and it's been a slippery slope ever since. Started working in a cigar shop in 2012 (still do to this day), and I also review sticks for Blind Man's Puff......so there's my story.
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Mar 17, 2018
A $400 cigar that is not very good, would make an amazing experience turn miserable because I just got hosed on $400. Let's look at your situational examples from the point of view that you just realized the $400 cigar is a complete dud.

First of all, everyone is complaining about the cigar smoke so, that's super annoying. Then they get weird around me because of my pretentious response of, "Hey, I'm outside and can smoke where I want. Besides, this is a $400 cigar!" and I start ruining the overall experience for everyone. Then, the moment I realize this is a crappy cigar and nowhere near worth $400, I chuck it with a fit of rage. ...wait, what's that smell? Ah crap, the grass is on fire because of that cigar now. Chaos ensues. Not a great moment.

"Doc, can you hold this $400 cigar for me while I cut the umbilical cord?" I don't see that going over very well. Later, you are at home thinking about how much that $400 cigar didn't live up to the hype and you literally burned $400. Anger begins to set in but you remember, you are a new father. You go in to play with your child and they end up throwing up and crapping at the same time. Blah.

And you keep having burn issues because there is too much humidity in the air. Then you start wondering if the cigar was crap to begin with or if you ruined the cigar by choosing to smoke it in such conditions. That snowballs into how your wife is right about you not being able to do anything correctly and all you do is burn the family money on cigars which jogs her memory of how you set your sister's wedding on fire and you refuse to change the baby's diaper or deal with spit up. You jump off the waterfall to end it all but you end up living to see another day because the water broke your fall. Embarrassing and not a great moment.

This is a great feeling. I love closing major deals. But if I light up a $400 cigar and it sucks, all I'm thinking about is how many more major deals I need to close to justify smoking a crappy $400 cigar. Inevitably, the wife is yelling because she saw the bank record where you spent $400 (+tax) at the local B&M. She comes out yelling because you don't need another humidor and you tell her, "Babe, I didn't buy another humidor. I bought a cigar." "A cigar!?!" she screams!! "I HOPE IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE!" ...and all you can do is cry because it wasn't the best moment of your life. In fact, the cigar sucked and you wasted $400. You cry yourself to sleep thinking about how this is not a great moment.

...no. At this point, you need focus on where you are wandering and why you can't remember if it's a new city or a familiar one. You have bigger issues at hand but then it strikes, "this $400 cigar sucks!" Now you start vandalizing things in this new/familiar city and you become a terrorist threat to the local authorities. Not a great moment.

I do enjoy this. But when they learn that what I am smoking is a $400 cigar and what I passed out to them was only a $40 cigar, it becomes odd. There's a tension in the air and no one wants to talk about it. Things get awkward as the night progresses and you say something simple like, "Hey Mike, those shoes are pretty cool. Where did you get them?" to which Mike says, "Whatever bro, these only cost $90 and you probably wouldn't spend less than $300 for shoes like this because they aren't up to your 'standards'". Then all hell breaks loose and all you can think is, "this is not a great moment".
Thanks for this, my side still hurts from laughing so hard...hopefully this wisdom didn’t come from first hand experience.


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
I cannot "like" this enough, holy shit was that funny.....damn you B, you're gonna scare off the new guy. Don't worry about him @Nycphotog10010 He likes to see if the new guys can take it, before they hit that "report" button......kinda like going to prison and beating up the biggest dude so you don't get fucked with, that's how you have to take him.

As for myself, I was dating this girl back in 97' I believe, and we were downtown at "the oldest bar in Indianapolis" I was yucking it up with a feller at the bar, and he mentioned he had some "Cubans" on him (I was a cigarette smoker at the time.....I started smoking when I was 7......in case that gets asked) and asked if I wanted one.......well HELL YEAH I do! He pulls them out of his shirt pocket and we light up.....we're puffing away, and the bartender says "Hey, you can't smoke that in here!"
"Smoke what? The cigar?" I ask
"Yeah. there's no smoking in here" I look around and everyone and their mother is smoking cigarettes INCLUDING the bartender (remember this is in 97 before smoking was bad for you) So I say "But everyone here is smoking" "the cigar, you can't smoke cigars in here" "What a bunch of fucked up bullshit man!"
The feller who gave me the smoke nudges me and says "C'mon man, let's go outside and smoke." I get up glare at the bartender, he glares back and I walk outside with my new pal.

Fast forward to 2006.....I'm hanging with a co-worker (who ends up being a family member later in life.......slow down there, I'll get to it), so I'm at his house and we're playing Rock Band (i'm on drums...if you care, and sucking...I'm a natural on the bass.....it's bass, not bass) So we're "rocking out" and he says "Hey man, do you smoke cigars?" I tell him the story you just read (no skimmin' pal, read every word) So he gets up, pulls out a small 20-30 count humi and produces some cigars........he proceeds to teach me how to cut, light and smoke and I really enjoyed it.

I enjoyed the cigar, but I still wasn't the cigar loving fool you've grown to know & love.....or hate (perish the thought)

Fast forward to 2010 (I promise I'm getting there, be patient, will ya?) I'm at my wedding (second one if your're keeping count), and my co-worker is now my brother in law (fucker got married 3 months before I did, and wasn't even pregnant......show off!) gives me and all my dudes Rocky Patel Vintage 1990's (btw this was the same stick he gave me back in 2006) I ended up smoking mine, and my best man's...........STILL not hooked yet.

Last stop people fast forward to 2011, August to be exact and I'm showing the wife The Sopranos (now just a bit of back story, wife was a cigarette smoker, I was not) so Tony is smoking a cigar and just looking cool as shit, so I say "Ya know, I think I might take up cigars." "Ok, why not?" was her response (my god is she eating those words now).

So, I start doing some internet research and stumble upon a little site (no not Puff) and I meet Mr @icehog3 and it's been a slippery slope ever since. Started working in a cigar shop in 2012 (still do to this day), and I also review sticks for Blind Man's Puff......so there's my story.
That's freaking great! Best literary work I've seen from you yet Mick!
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
A $400 cigar that is not very good, would make an amazing experience turn miserable because I just got hosed on $400. Let's look at your situational examples from the point of view that you just realized the $400 cigar is a complete dud.

First of all, everyone is complaining about the cigar smoke so, that's super annoying. Then they get weird around me because of my pretentious response of, "Hey, I'm outside and can smoke where I want. Besides, this is a $400 cigar!" and I start ruining the overall experience for everyone. Then, the moment I realize this is a crappy cigar and nowhere near worth $400, I chuck it with a fit of rage. ...wait, what's that smell? Ah crap, the grass is on fire because of that cigar now. Chaos ensues. Not a great moment.

"Doc, can you hold this $400 cigar for me while I cut the umbilical cord?" I don't see that going over very well. Later, you are at home thinking about how much that $400 cigar didn't live up to the hype and you literally burned $400. Anger begins to set in but you remember, you are a new father. You go in to play with your child and they end up throwing up and crapping at the same time. Blah.

And you keep having burn issues because there is too much humidity in the air. Then you start wondering if the cigar was crap to begin with or if you ruined the cigar by choosing to smoke it in such conditions. That snowballs into how your wife is right about you not being able to do anything correctly and all you do is burn the family money on cigars which jogs her memory of how you set your sister's wedding on fire and you refuse to change the baby's diaper or deal with spit up. You jump off the waterfall to end it all but you end up living to see another day because the water broke your fall. Embarrassing and not a great moment.

This is a great feeling. I love closing major deals. But if I light up a $400 cigar and it sucks, all I'm thinking about is how many more major deals I need to close to justify smoking a crappy $400 cigar. Inevitably, the wife is yelling because she saw the bank record where you spent $400 (+tax) at the local B&M. She comes out yelling because you don't need another humidor and you tell her, "Babe, I didn't buy another humidor. I bought a cigar." "A cigar!?!" she screams!! "I HOPE IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE!" ...and all you can do is cry because it wasn't the best moment of your life. In fact, the cigar sucked and you wasted $400. You cry yourself to sleep thinking about how this is not a great moment.

...no. At this point, you need focus on where you are wandering and why you can't remember if it's a new city or a familiar one. You have bigger issues at hand but then it strikes, "this $400 cigar sucks!" Now you start vandalizing things in this new/familiar city and you become a terrorist threat to the local authorities. Not a great moment.

I do enjoy this. But when they learn that what I am smoking is a $400 cigar and what I passed out to them was only a $40 cigar, it becomes odd. There's a tension in the air and no one wants to talk about it. Things get awkward as the night progresses and you say something simple like, "Hey Mike, those shoes are pretty cool. Where did you get them?" to which Mike says, "Whatever bro, these only cost $90 and you probably wouldn't spend less than $300 for shoes like this because they aren't up to your 'standards'". Then all hell breaks loose and all you can think is, "this is not a great moment".
You are just making up for lack of testosterone you have in your house.
And @Nycphotog10010 i believe it was chris rock that said a meal (in this case a cigar) is more about the company being enjoyed during the meal. A $100 meal with bad company can still be a bad meal, while mcdonalds with a very good friend can be a fantastic meal. Its all in perapective. Thatbis how you get us crazy bastards in the dog rocket pass to have a great time.


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May 26, 2008
Gig Harbor WA

My grandfather and his father, who I was named for, were pharmacists. They owned a drug store across the street from the world's largest steel mill -- the US Steel #1 plant in Homestead PA, just over the Monongahela from Pittsburgh. It had been the Carnegie Steel Works built by Andrew Carnegie in 1881.
From the time I could walk, I hung out at the soda fountain, drinking chocolate sodas. I liked watching steel workers flock in after the whistle blew to buy cigars and light them at a perpetual gas flame on the counter.
When I was 12, I began pestering my grandfather about cigars. He handed me a Marsh Wheeling Stogie and said, "Don't tell your grandmother." I liked the cigar. My parents, cigarette smokers, did not get upset. So I started smoking one cigar every day.
That was 55 years ago. I still have 1 or 2 cigars a day and think of my grandfather, his drugstore and Pittsburgh.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
Rating - 97.9%
55   1   0
Sep 6, 2005
When I was 12, I began pestering my grandfather about cigars. He handed me a Marsh Wheeling Stogie and said, "Don't tell your grandmother." I liked the cigar. My parents, cigarette smokers, did not get upset. So I started smoking one cigar every day.
That was 55 years ago. I still have 1 or 2 cigars a day and think of my grandfather, his drugstore and Pittsburgh.
View attachment 112219
That is awesome!
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62   0   0
May 21, 2017

I appreciate your response. And although I’m new to BOTL. I’ve been smoking cigars for 22yrs. Everyone has their opinions. And I accept that not everyone will agrees with my views. If taken at a granular level than Brandon’s views make sense. But I’m talking on a much grander level.

Forget picking apart every detail. And just enjoy the experience. If it’s a dud. There’s nothing that you can do about it. And If you are concerned with purchasing a 400 dollar cigar and your reaction to its quality than dont buy one.

The point I was making. The original intent. It does not matter the cost of the cigar. It’s the experience. How you choose to enjoy those 30 minutes or 3 hours.
Sorry, sort of got to side with @bwhite220 here...
While I can't say I've ever spent quite that much on a cigar, there have been a few times where I spent $400 with the expectation that an hour (or so) of pleasure was coming my way.
You might think his story was all hypothetical, but let me tell you, many of the examples cited above are just the sort of thing that can happen:
You hand over the $400, and get ready for a wonderful experience, but everything always goes by really fast, and all you can think is how your
wife is right about you not being able to do anything correctly
Then before you know it someone is asking
wait, what's that smell
And you realize that once again you've
ended up throwing up and crapping
Which is definitely
Embarrassing and not a great moment
You hope to start the next day off right, and the wife wants to go to brunch, but
You have bigger issues at hand
all you do is burn
You need to go to the clinic, but your wife insists on coming along. The whole ride there,
There's a tension in the air and no one wants to talk about it
you keep having burn issues
So you gotta speak up.

Just like last time, they need a "sample", but your head is spinning, and you can't concentrate, so you need help. You look at your wife, but she just stands there silently, and
Things get awkward
So once again you end up asking
"Doc, can you hold this
Which is just not received well by anyone, and you're sure is going to wind up as a separate charge on the bill.
Then, just to make matters worse, you get a call with some surprising news...
Anger begins to set in but you remember, you are going to be a new father
No matter how hard you try to spin it,
Inevitably, the wife is yelling
And in the end,
all you can do is cry
Yep, $400 gone, and
You cry yourself to sleep thinking about how this is not a great moment.
So, yeah. Definitely situational. Many things in life are very situational.


Brandon | BotM Jan 2038
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Jul 28, 2016
Northwest Arkansas
Sorry, sort of got to side with @bwhite220 here...
While I can't say I've ever spent quite that much on a cigar, there have been a few times where I spent $400 with the expectation that an hour (or so) of pleasure was coming my way.
You might think his story was all hypothetical, but let me tell you, many of the examples cited above are just the sort of thing that can happen:
You hand over the $400, and get ready for a wonderful experience, but everything always goes by really fast, and all you can think is how your
Then before you know it someone is asking
And you realize that once again you've
Which is definitely
You hope to start the next day off right, and the wife wants to go to brunch, but
You need to go to the clinic, but your wife insists on coming along. The whole ride there,
So you gotta speak up.
Just like last time, they need a "sample", but your head is spinning, and you can't concentrate, so you need help. You look at your wife, but she just stands there silently, and
So once again you end up asking
Which is just not received well by anyone, and you're sure is going to wind up as a separate charge on the bill.
Then, just to make matters worse, you get a call with some surprising news...
No matter how hard you try to spin it,
And in the end,
Yep, $400 gone, and
So, yeah. Definitely situational. Many things in life are very situational.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Well played and crafted, man!
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Apr 17, 2018
New York City
Look. I respect your opinions. Everyone is entitled them. There is validity in what you say. Then again. There is validity In what I say.

For me. I don’t look at things at such a granular level. Every experience is important. Good and bad. But there is no reason to debate. Especially over a topic that is entirely subjective. And In the case you describe... entirely hypothetical.

So rather than debate this further. Let us agree to disagree.