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Your first cigar experience? What cigar? How old? Etc

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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Look. I respect your opinions. Everyone is entitled them. There is validity in what you say. Then again. There is validity In what I say.

For me. I don’t look at things at such a granular level. Every experience is important. Good and bad. But there is no reason to debate. Especially over a topic that is entirely subjective. And In the case you describe... entirely hypothetical.

So rather than debate this further. Let us agree to disagree.
They are just busting your balls. I would not take to heart anything either one says. They really are good guys, just smart asses.
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May 7, 2017
Lexington, Virginia
My first cigar was a Romeo & Julieta. It was in 1997 and I was going through Marine Corps Infantry School in North Carolina. We had been in the field all week and were pretty wore out. We had dinner and one of my buddies sat down beside me and broke out 2 cigars and gave one to me. We both sat there in the shade propped up against 2 pine trees and puffed away not saying a word. I haven’t seen him in 22 years now but we talk on the phone from time to time thinking about the good old days.


"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum."
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Oct 28, 2017
It was in 2014, I was 18 years old. I had previously been smoking cigs and Swishers for a couple years on and off, but wanted to wait til I was 18 to smoke a real cigar. First was a JM Dominican Maduro. For my first, it didn't taste awful .
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Dec 31, 2013
Hughesville, MD. USA
Mine was in 1997 given to me by my older brother. I was 32 and the reason he gave it to me was I would look at his JR's catalogs and would say " If I'm gonna pay 5 bucks for some rolled up tobacco I better get high" . So one day at a cook out at his house he hands me a La Finka torpedo ( when La Finkas were actually good long fill cigars). The saying goes something like this." The rest is history".
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Sep 15, 2016
North Texas
Does a blunt count? First smoke was a java my BIL passed on to me. Hung with those for a few months and moved onto a AB presnado to start my non infused liking's.. That was 2 years ago. 8 years ago Copenhagen was my choice of nicotine. For me I don't view cigar smoking as an experience. Its just tobacco meant to be burnt.
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Mar 6, 2017
Munroe falls, OH
My first cigar was a Drew Estate Natural at friend's house for a poker game in 2004. Everyone else was smoking and I was weak so I gave into peer pressure and the "girliest" cigar he had on hand (as he put it) was the DE Natural. I fell in love and started buying non-infused cigars shortly after.
But did you have a bitch'n beard back then?

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Feb 15, 2018
This is pretty easy for me as it was about two years ago .

Memorial Day weekend at a buddy's wedding. Get to the reception and through dinner and all of the formalities. Groom comes over and tells a few of us to join him at the gazebo. We do with scotch in hand. He opens a box of cigars and tells all of us that we're partaking. It was a box of cigar.com purple house labels. He had no idea what he was doing but it was a great time and started me down the rabbit hole!!