I tried the cigar and while it was good I would rather spend another $8 and smoke a Padron 26th 40th over the FFP. I found the FFP to be a bit monotone in flavor and it did not really change much throughout the duration of the entire smoke.You know what I find so odd about this is how a few people blame us for manipulating the consumer market and price gouging, etc. etc. I have always been very forthright, we are in the cigar business, we do what we do to make money, if I wanted 2,000 great custom crafted cigars I could just go to anywhere and have them rolled for me personally, no need to have a factory in a third world country and manage 1,300 people... so just so we are clear, we are in the cigar business to make money.
The market has driven the demand for LPs - you don't see or anyone from our company posting LP this and LP that - it is just us responding to consumers. I bet on my FB page I have initiated something about LP maybe 10 times in the last year and this is a cigar I smoke 5+ a day of and am constantly working on new blends! Again it is consumers are the one posting pics and this and that.. It has gotten not a single 90+ rating from CA, in 5 years we have run maybe 5 ads total in a market where there is like 8 or 9 different magazines published quarterly or more frequently. We started with less than 50 accounts, it was a cigar made by the wacky ACID guys, and they wanted $10 for it???
LP's popularity is because of one reason and one reason only: word of mouth. Consumers liking it enough that they willingly share there own story about the cigar.
And I am thankful, it is very rewarding for something you created, develop, manufacture to be given so many accolades.
Now with all that being said, we the manufacture make the LOWEST profit on the product. When you see FFP sell for $45 a stick, you think we got that money? I wish someone would send me a check...
The bottom line is true ultra premium handmade cigars are a very time consuming laborious process that costs a lot to make. And if you notice all the ultra-premiums are in the $12+, most over $15... it is simply what it costs to smoke this grade of cigar when bought at retail. Too expensive, hey I have been there, not everyones wallet can afford these type of cigars.
No shame in that, but this stupid ass attitude that "I am not going to buy XXX until they lower the price to XXX" is just moronic. Damn, let me paint you an Occupy sign now... We are not lowering the prices and as inflation increases in Nicaragua (averaging about 9% on the key items we need and use) the prices will continue to increase.
I can understand wanting an Opus, Davidoff or Padron for less, but if they were sold for less, it would mean they would have to be lesser cigars.
There are THOUSANDS of more economically priced cigars to choose from, so I really have a hard time wrapping me head around those "Liga Privada guys" are ripping me. Like we forced you to buy it???
Just don't buy the damn cigar... seems pretty simple to me.
'stirring the pot'
+1. Any time I see "ssaka" pop up on the recent posts list, I HAVE to click it.LOL Thanks, Steve. Never regretted a single LP purchase....nor, have I ever regretted ever reading a Steve Saka paragraph.
Txaggie - fwiw, my post wasn't directed towards you or your original question. You just asked an honest question, the same question all consumers ask every time we make a purchase decision. And it is a decision we all need to make for ourselves. Sorry you took my diatribe as though it was directed toward you - it was not.I tried the cigar and while it was good I would rather spend another $8 and smoke a Padron 26th 40th over the FFP. I found the FFP to be a bit monotone in flavor and it did not really change much throughout the duration of the entire smoke.
On the matter of smoking anything Liga Privada, my decision was just made (by the previous post) that I will NEVER purchase another thing again from this company again. I did not believe that I was getting "ripped off" in price, I just wanted to know if the FFP was worth $17 a stick. After smoking it, I confirmed that it is not but that is my own opinion.
Give me any Padron, Tatuaje, Fuente, or ISOM over the Liga Privada brand any day of the week regardless of price.
My 2 Cents :smokingbo........
No hard feelings!Txaggie - fwiw, my post wasn't directed towards you or your original question. You just asked an honest question, the same question all consumers ask every time we make a purchase decision. And it is a decision we all need to make for ourselves. Sorry you took my diatribe as though it was directed toward you - it was not.I tried the cigar and while it was good I would rather spend another $8 and smoke a Padron 26th 40th over the FFP. I found the FFP to be a bit monotone in flavor and it did not really change much throughout the duration of the entire smoke.
On the matter of smoking anything Liga Privada, my decision was just made (by the previous post) that I will NEVER purchase another thing again from this company again. I did not believe that I was getting "ripped off" in price, I just wanted to know if the FFP was worth $17 a stick. After smoking it, I confirmed that it is not but that is my own opinion.
Give me any Padron, Tatuaje, Fuente, or ISOM over the Liga Privada brand any day of the week regardless of price.
My 2 Cents :smokingbo........
And I got no issue with you liking other cigars better and not liking LPs, I have never claimed LPs to be the perfect cigar for everyone. They are perfect for me, but they should be as they are blended specifically to what my personal likes are in a cigar. Cigars are very personal and I have always lived by the adage as a blender, "you should never try to make a cigar that everyone likes, because in doing so you have ultimately created a cigar that no one loves.."
I didn't say that you did....this is just a generalized statement for any cigar smoking enthusiast and at the end of their day they can pay as much as they want for any cigar on the market.Where did I encourage anyone to buy $50 cigars?Just gave my opinion and not saying that DE is being deceptive...it's a generalized thinking outside the box process. Hey, if you want to pay $50 for those cigars that's your prerogative and at the end of the day that's all it is. Cigars and the cost they are is something that each person has to think about for themselves but I understand more than most folks about product and sales and what the market will bare...if you want to encourage the market and pay $50 for a cigar...enjoy.
I smoke enough cigars including DE as well as many other brands and if I had any salesman say what you did they'd be in the unemployment line the very next day. While you may be 'kidding/joking' around or maybe even being 100% honest....the business you represent should be handled with at least some type of professionalism.Hmmm... wonder what a PR expert would think of my last post?
Let's see:
Called a potential Customer Stupid - check
Called a potential Customer Moronic - check
Used Foul Language - check
Told all Customers that prices with go up - check
Told a potential Customer to not buy their product - check
Hmmm... bet my "Q" rating really sucks. <snicker>
'stop your bellyaching and just don't buy the damn thing'
Even though the comment was not directed towards me, I still agree with what he said.I didn't say that you did....this is just a generalized statement for any cigar smoking enthusiast and at the end of their day they can pay as much as they want for any cigar on the market.Where did I encourage anyone to buy $50 cigars?Just gave my opinion and not saying that DE is being deceptive...it's a generalized thinking outside the box process. Hey, if you want to pay $50 for those cigars that's your prerogative and at the end of the day that's all it is. Cigars and the cost they are is something that each person has to think about for themselves but I understand more than most folks about product and sales and what the market will bare...if you want to encourage the market and pay $50 for a cigar...enjoy.
I smoke enough cigars including DE as well as many other brands and if I had any salesman say what you did they'd be in the unemployment line the very next day. While you may be 'kidding/joking' around or maybe even being 100% honest....the business you represent should be handled with at least some type of professionalism.Hmmm... wonder what a PR expert would think of my last post?
Let's see:
Called a potential Customer Stupid - check
Called a potential Customer Moronic - check
Used Foul Language - check
Told all Customers that prices with go up - check
Told a potential Customer to not buy their product - check
Hmmm... bet my "Q" rating really sucks. <snicker>
'stop your bellyaching and just don't buy the damn thing'
Clearly, he is aware of that. Some people on here are just waiting for a chance to pick apart comments and throw a red flag at anyone that gets under their very thin skin. Saka can make 195 posts about his respect for the industry and consumers, goodwill towards mankind, or saving kittens from a tree but those posts are ignored in favor of crying about 2 they don't like.I smoke enough cigars including DE as well as many other brands and if I had any salesman say what you did they'd be in the unemployment line the very next day. While you may be 'kidding/joking' around or maybe even being 100% honest....the business you represent should be handled with at least some type of professionalism.
Lol...took words out of my mouthI enjoy how everything ssaka posts is greeted with one of only 2 reactions:
1) unashamed/schoolgirl crush level ass kissing
2) complete "FU, I will never buy anything LP again".
Keep it up brother.
Mr Saka probably has more bromance here than he'd care to know...I enjoy how everything ssaka posts is greeted with one of only 2 reactions:
1) unashamed/schoolgirl crush level ass kissing
2) complete "FU, I will never buy anything LP again".
Keep it up brother.