Before you give up an important and enjoyable part of you're life make sure that there really is a link between your smoking cigars and what ails you. Doctors and the medical profession generally have a reflexive antagonistic reaction to the very idea of smoking gars. There may be a link in some cases - then you have to do what you have to do. But it seems that every time I go in for anything - blood pressure a little high or whatever I get that same lecture - its a mantra only partially informed that they preach to one another and their patients...I'd seek out a good cigar smoking physician who can really be honest on the issue. Stress is a big killer and nicotine and the ritual surrounding the cigar lifestyle is a significant health benefit. I wish the best for you and you family during this time - our thoughts and prayer are with you.I think I'm gonna smoke a box of Lusitainas this weekend and see if that helps.:smokingbo