In order for him to legally claim her...
As of the end of 2007, she would have to have been under 19 or...
under 24 and a full time student or...
any age and permanently and totally disabled.
he would have had to provide over half of her support in 2007.
She would have had to live with him for more than half of 2007 (with certain exceptions).
If, it turns out (as I suspect) that he had no right to claim her, it is a fairly simple matter for you to file an amended return. Forms are available to download from the IRS website. Don`t hesitate to contact the IRS by phone either. I have dealt with them directly on a few occasions over the years and have always found them to be very courteous, professional, and above all,
Lot of good advice on this thread!
I married an orphan:stretchgr